






R evd Adam E arle It’ s time for the seventh edition o f Connect. And, b eliev e it or no t, w e h a v e r each ed the “Summer although i t seems the weat he r ma y not ha v e ex actly the same thing in mind a t the time of w riti ng . Sunn y da ys ar e importan t t o our health and wellbeing , provided w e approach the m with moderation and balance i n mind. W e need e xposur e t o sunlight t o ensur e w e meet our daily need for Vitamin D , bu t being out i n the h ea t of the sun and the UV r a y s c an ha v e n eg a tiv e e ff ec ts as w ell. Balan c e m a t t er s in so man y things. I hope you will all ha ve the opportunity t o enjo y some time t o r es t and r elax ov er the Summer and find some space just t o be. I will, with due c aution and a w a tchful ey e o n m y diet, b e enjoying some days a t the seaside and the occasional ice-cr eam or bund le o f fish and chi ps . It’ s also a good time t o cat ch u p o n some of the r eading that y ou ma y have planned and I hope that y ou will enjoy r eading the news fr om the churches and other articles i n Connect. Ther e’ s plen ty g oing o n as w e embr ace th e Mission Action Plans that each church now has i n place and continue t o seek God’ s will and way as w e look t o the future.






W e continue with joy and hope a t Saxm und ham despite some of ou r members having had a few health and accident r elat ed set-backs. Our mon thly “Start th e W eek with a Cuppa” sessions ar e now an est ablished part of our activity and w e ar e deligh ted to welc ome ne w f olk fr om time t o time, alongside the r egular s. A t our April g athering w e w er e deligh t ed t o w elcome some members of s taf f and r esiden ts fr om the nearby c ar e home and w e ar e es t ablishing a positive r elationship with them . W e meet fr om 10:00 t o 11:30ish (we ar e not rigid timek eeper s and often ov errun somewhat). Forthc oming da t es f or St art the W eek ar e as f ollows: Monda y 24 th June, Monda y 29 th July an d Monda y 26 th August . I n addition to c on versation and refr eshments, our sessions r egularly include music, g ames and a variety of activities and, seasonally the me d elements. I f the weather i s u p t o it w e ma y e ven choose t o h a v e one outdoor s i n the next f ew mon ths. Ther e ar e plen ty of places t o explor e near Saxm und ham. I f you are looking for a day out you would b e welcome t o start your day with
u s and then tra vel o n to one o f the local places o f in ter es t. Y ou c an also r each the town by train, from Ipswich, i n about 40 mins and the church i s a short (slightly uphill) walk from the sta ti on. W e held our (now) annu al Gift W eek end o n the 18 th and 19 th Ma y (P en t ecost Sunda y). O n Sa turda y 18 th Ma y , in place of a sale and c off ee morning w e held our “Spring Event which included a mini c onc ert presen ted b y R evd Adam an d Gillian E arle. This was f ollow ed by a plen tiful aft ernoon t ea. W e wer e delight ed t o welc ome friends fr om S t John’ s URC and Cas tle Hill UR C in Ipswich, Leiston United Church, other friends fr om the community ar ound Sa xmu ndham, including s t af f and residen ts fr om the car e home. W e had around twenty i n attendance. The concert included org an music, songs, recorder music and a lament about the loss o f the French Horn (by Michael Flander s and Donald Sw ann). Bef or e the final piece w e held a progr amme-number dr aw with priz es including biscuits, chocolat e and a bot tle o f non-alcoholic fizz . W e wer e deligh t ed tha t the gifts r eceiv ed o n the Saturday (and since) amounted t o ar oun d £300 with the possibility of more t o follow . W e will b e or g anising fu rther ev en ts in the Autumn and approach t o Chris tmas, so d o wat ch out f or det ails when they ar e confirmed. W e will b e holding ou r ne xt FILM AFTERNOON o n Satur da y 15 th June a t 14:00 . W e enjo y refreshments o n arrival, wat ch a film t og ether and then shar e something mor e subst an tial (but manageable) to eat
afterw ar ds. The t erms o f the Church Video Licence and PRS Lice nce whi ch enable u s t o show films, w e ar e not allowed t o advertise the film i n adv ance bu t it i s one that was released this year with a somewhat sugar rich th eme !
O n Satur da y 20 th July local Chris tians fr om Saxm und ham and Leiston will b e r eading through all 150 psalms (with some presented i n song o r with music al backing). This will t ak e place i n Church Squar e (adjacen t t o th e Unit ed Chur ch i n Leis ton). F olk will b e sponsored t o read f or a given period of time, and w e will b e r aising money f or the Bible Socie ty . The Bible Socie ty w as es t ablished two hundr ed y ears ago wit h t he ai m o f ensuring that Bibles ar e made a v ailable, throughout the world, i n local langua ges. This work continues today with many around the world ha ving benefit t ed fr om the pas t and on going w ork of the Socie ty . Please support this even t and help u s celebr at e the P salms t ogether . All chur ches will b e f amiliar with the oft en unexpect ed pr oblems that our pr emises c an thr ow u p, and a t Saxmundham w e are not imm une. O n arriv al a t the church r ecen tly Sue, our secr et ary disc ov er ed tha t one of the t oilet float v alv es had f ailed ; wat er w as pouring fr om the ov erflow , and the t oilet area at tached t o the hall w as flooded. Help c ame
fr om a church neighbour who jammed the v alv e closed. The f ollowing da y R evd Ad am and Gillian headed ov er t o help clear th e wat er , borr owing the c arpet cleaner fr om Leiston, and ensured that the damaged valve was r eplaced. Thankfully the wat er has now dried and w e did not have t o close the toilets. Our lar g e scr een, used f or pr esenting mat erial f or wor ship, including the music, also f ailed. A r epair w as deemed uneconomic al so w e ha ve r eplaced the screen and are now back i n business. I f our flooding woes were not enough w e had another wat er-r elat ed problem when the electric hot wat er heater in the kit chen spr ang a small bu t c oncerning leak. Thankfully Sue was able t o find a loc al plumber and within a c ouple o f da y s a new heater w as obt ained and fit ted.



On Sunday 12 th May we celebr at ed the Anniver sary o f Castle Hill URC (f ormerly Castle Hill Congr eg ational Church) with a Ca f é s tyle service led b y R e vd Da vid. T he ser vice include d the sha ring of our founding declar ation. W e shar ed con v er sa tion and refr eshments which included a celebr ation c ak e. W e celebr a t ed P en t ecos t Sunda y o n 19 th Ma y with morning w or ship led b y R evd Jenn y Hagg ar . In the afternoon w e joined our friends f or a P entec os t Songs o f Pr aise Service a t Whit t on P arish Chur ch f o llowed b y t ea. Cas tle Hill pr ovided the cak e (w e ar e r emark ably good a t that!). The service included h ymns and songs, readings, pr a yer s and a short r e flection giv en by R ev d Da vid. This was the
fir s t occ asion f or some time tha t w e ha v e shar ed a service t og ether . Thank you t o every one who c ame along, and a particular thank you t o everyone who pr ovided cak e. As w e continue t o develop partner ship with Whit ton P arish, w e hope that ther e will b e further opportunities t o share wor ship and activities. Next year i t will b e our turn t o host the P entecos t Songs o f Pr aise. Our E as t er Holida y Club took place o n W ednesday 3 r d April . W e w er e sligh tly f ew er i n number this y ear , possibly due t o Easter fa lli ng right a t the start of the school holida ys. Our theme this y ear r evolved ar ound a camp “fire” (cunningly fashioned from a f an with tissue paper flames) and was entitled “Bright Sparks” . W e shared thr ee s tories, all par ables o f Jesus, around the camp fir e an d undertook various g ames and activities as well as enjoying a c amp fir e snack (hot dogs and fruit) tow ards the end. The three parables o f Jesus chosen include d The Los t Sheep, aft er which w e had a sheep hunt, a game o f sheep themed bingo , and made cardboard and marshmallow she ep. W e then enjoy ed the story of the P earl of Gr ea t Pric e f ollow ed b y a Ge t the pearl i n the shell” ping-pong g ame. Our thir d s tory (with r e-enactme nt b y the children and adults pr esen t) was The Wise and F oolish Builder s f ollowed b y a t ow er building an d “knocki ng down” cha llenge .
W e also enjoy ed the popular par achute g ames, with certific ates being pr esen ted a t the end. A gr ea t deal of fun was had b y all. Thank y ou t o ev eryon e who t ook part and helped on the day the adults almos t certainly needed a lie down i n a dark ened r oom afterw ards bu t it was worth the eff ort. On e o f our chur ch membe rs, Rachel Harris, works f or , and enc our ag es u s to support, the work o f Frie nds of North Kigezi Diocese (FNKD) i n Uga nda. Rachel has r ecently r eturned fr om a trip ther e: guiding visitors, t aking r esour ces and sh aring i n the ong oing work in the local communitie s. Man y o f our churches, individuals and or g aniz ations ar e f amiliar with the idea o f “Toilet Twinning”: raising money to twin each toilet i n their buildings with a lat rine somewher e in the w orld. This pr ovides funding to build and main tain saf e toilet f acilities f or man y communities, helping t o avoi d sickness and disease. As part o f our ongoin g support f or Rachel and the w o rk o f FNKD , w e h a v e launched a “Spend-A-Penny c ollection. Small bo x es ha ve been provided for folk t o collect coins t o help pr ovide saf er and mor e accessible t oilet f acilities f or various pr ojects i n Ug anda. The idea i s t o place a coin i n the box each time w e pa y a visit (although pre-pa yment is a good option! ). I f y ou w ould lik e a bo x and / or t o mak e a gift please let R evd Adam o r R evd Da vid know and w e will help so rt this f o r y ou. W e hop e that many f olk will help support this importan t pr oject.
Castle Hill URC has a long- established t winning partner ship with the church and community of Mussbach, Germany. Last year w e welcomed our German friends and enjoyed a v ariety of activities and outings together. This year i t i s Cas tle Hill’ s turn t o visit Mussbach. The Mussbach group hav e made arr angemen ts and v arious f olk, including R evd Da vid, headed off t o German y on 24 th May . In J uly w e will b e holding our annual “Holida y a t Home” wit h a 19 50 s USA theme. W e ar e please d t o welcome senior me mbers of the co mmunity to join i n two da ys o f activities including g ames, art, cr aft, en t ert ainment and sharing meals t ogether . W e look f orw ard t o spending time with one other , and ha ving a w elc ome change t o the norm al da y t o da y routines. Dir ectly opposite the church building i n Castle Hill is Castle Hill School . W e ar e glad t o ha ve dev eloped a supportiv e r elationship with the school , espe cially i n providing some the matic w orkshop s f or the diff er en t y ear gr oups. E arlier i n the academic y ear w e welcomed Y ear 2 childr en t o e xplor e the church building. R evds Da vid and Adam visited the school t o share a par able and activities with the Y ear 1 classes. Mor e r ecen tly w e have welc omed Y ear 3 f or an E as t er W orkshop, using images, art e f acts and s t ory t elling to e xplor e the message of E as t er fr om a Chris tian per spectiv e. One childr en le ft u s open mouthed with delight when she observ ed that hot cross buns,
which contain r aisins (dried gr apes fr om which wine is made), are therefore the bread and the wine i n o ne! Y ear 5 pupils joined u s f or a workshop explori ng H oly C ommunion. W e used artwork, s tory t elling and explor ation t o find out wh y the celebr ation pla ys such an import an t r ole i n the lif e and w o r ship o f the Chur ch. On e girl not ed tha t wha t w e c all “The Last Supper” was also, quite correctly , The First Supper” which paved the way for our cele bration of communion. The mos t r ecen t visit w as mad e b y Y ear 4 pupils i n the week prior t o Pentecost Sunday, f or a workshop f ocused o n the fir s t da y o f Pentecost and the ongoing influence that this has fr om a Christian per spective. Ag ain w e used artwork, an animated cartoon and small displa ys t o explor e the diff er en t f amiliar symbols o f the Holy Spirit The Dove, Water, Fire and Wi nd. W e ha ve plans t o or g aniz e a fundr aising ev en t t o enable the church t o purchase, f or the school, some additional book s an d resources to support th e children i n t heir learning about f aith, belief and world views. W e hope t o ha v e mor e in f ormation about this i n due cour se.



I n the las t edition o f c onnect w e reported on the changes (following damage) t o our fr on t g ar den o n Spring R oad and the pr ovision of the ne w bench. The bench has been fit ted with a plaque inviting folk t o “Rest, Relax and Ponder” . I t has also provided Adrian and other s w orking o n th e g ar den, the opportunity t o c ha t with dif f er en t f o lk wh o are pleased t o mak e use o f the f acility .
Due t o an un f ortuna te plan t disease the lo w bo x type hedge which e xt ended around the fencing which, in t urn, enclose d the outdoor ar ea used b y the Pre -School, had died of f . Thank s t o a “Hedge Fund” r eques t f or donations t ow ar ds new plan ts, and t o generous giving from church friends, this has now bee n replaced with Lonicera Nitida , which ar e beginning t o get est ablished. Thank you t o Adrian f or or g anising an d planting these . I n the las t Connect w e also mentione d our mont hly Community Coff ee, which tak es place on the second Saturda y o f each month fr om 10:30am t o 12:00pm. W e are ever grateful t o Brian and Lesley f or faithfully or ganising this and arranging for the requisite bacon butties, cak es, biscuits and bever ages. Our g a thering o n 11 t h Ma y w as an enhanced” even t with stalls and items t o purchase as well as the usual donations. The even t was i n support of Chris tian Aid, r aising a health y and pleasing amount of over £190. Thankyou t o everyone who ca me along a nd supported the even t. Y ou ar e alw a ys w elc ome to join us. F orthcoming da t es are: SA TURD A Y 8 th JUNE S A TURD A Y 13 th JUL Y S A TURD A Y 10 th A UGUST
St John s UR C used t o sh ar e a minis t er with F elixs t o w e UR C and ther e i s a longs t anding friendship bet ween the two. O n Monday 3 rd June meeting a t 14:00, St John’ s f olk will b e heading down to F elixs tow e seafron t f or a walk (or a sit if pr ef err ed). A t 15:00 w e join f olk a t F eli xst ow e UR C f or t ea. This y ear i t is St John’ s turn t o pr ovide the food. W e are very much looking forward t o sharing this time o f f ellowship and cat ching up with the F elixstowe f olk. St John’ s ar e pleased t o mak e the building a v ailable, during term tim e, as the h om e of St Joh n’ s Pla ytime Preschool . They mainly use the ups t air s hall and ou td oor enclosed area s. Las t Nov ember they had a visit fr om Of s ted which did not g o as they would ha v e hoped and they received r ather har sh judgement of inadequat e. This mean t tha t they would b e unable t o tak e on an y additional childr en c ov er ed b y the fr ee hou r s scheme. The s taff and associates were rightly disappointed and quickl y got t o work. Ofs t ed inspector s made a r eturn visit in April this y ear and w e ar e deligh ted to r eport that the pr e-school’ s gr ading is ag ain GOOD acr oss the boar d. A hug e w ell d on e t o ev ery one in v olv ed, w e ar e so pleased f or them and look f orw ard t o hearing mor e about their gr eat work. Unfortunately, due t o pressures a t the time, w e w er e u n ab le to procee d with the planne d Hymn Sing i n April. W e will be scheduling another in the Autumn but, in the mean time, we ha v e planned tha t on e of our
services in August will be a “Songs of Pr aise” style service of readings a nd music. Ipsw ich is a b ig p lac e wi th w ell ov er 80 diff er en t chu r ches and Chris tian f ellowships a t w ork. I t i s h ar d t o w o rk with such a large gr oup but w e ar e pleased t o sa y that S t John’ s UR C has s t art ed t o es t ablish (or i n some c ases r e-es t ablish) link s with the North E as t Ipswich Ar ea Chur ches which includes r epr ese nta tives from the Baptist, Methodist, Anglican, Salvationist and now URC tr aditions. A lunch meeting f or church leader s i s held o n a r egular basis , and each mon th ther e i s a join t evening service held i n one of the group chur ches. W or ship i s led b y the hos t chur ch f o llowing their cus t omary s tyle and pa t tern. I t has been good for some folk t o get involved with these and w e hope that, a s w e get t o k now ea ch other , w e will b e able t o fin d new opportunitie s t o unite i n mission an d service.






I n pr evious new slet t er s w e ha ve mentioned the partner ship project with Ukr aine2F elixst owe and the development of the Hub. W e drew up a plan f or dev elopmen t. A s part of the plan , w e recently sought some grant support from the E astern S ynod Mission Fund and ar e pleased tha t w e ha v e been giv en a good amoun t t o enable the on g oing funding of the w ork including electricity and heating c osts, r esources and even equipmen t. W e will b e discussing the use of the gr an t i n fu ll de t ail ov er th e ne xt f e w w eek s , an d t alking with the U2F team t o decide the best w a y t o use the mone y i n furthering the project, a nd which aspect s of the pla n will be
adv anced as a result. W e’ll let you know more about the pr oject as it develops. W e are now back worshipping in the main church, f ollowing our win t er season i n the small hall. E arlier i n the y ear w e c alculat ed that the church was between 12 and 20 times the v olume of the small hall , so pr oviding enough heat t o the church space would have been significantly mor e e xpensive. W e ar e con tinu ing to develop t he ongoing part nership i n mission with F elixs t owe Methodis t Chur ch as r ecognised i n our Mission Action Plan. Thus, w e have a plan t o share worship from time t o time, f or the remainder o f the year . O n Sunda y 5 th Ma y it w as gr ea t t o shar e worship (including c ommunion), led b y R evd Adam a t the Methodis t Chur ch @ T rinity . The theme f or wor ship was Lov e , and w e reflected o n the nature o f God’s love (Agapé) t o which w e ar e all called to share. Our ne xt joint service will b e held o n 21 st July when the Methodists will b e worshipping with u s a t the UR C. F elixs t owe Methodis t Chur ch ha s a n Ec o Gr oup which An n and Chris tine ha ve at tended. W e ar e looking t o work further together on this the me and hope that they will b e able t o join i n wit h t he Ipswich a nd E as t P as tor a t e Caring f or Cr eation Group. O n Saturda y 15 th June fr om 14:0 0 w e ar e holding a T able T op Sale and T ea ev en t with v arious charities and other s repr esen ted alongside a church st all and the much - enjoy ed c ak e st all. A s the title sugges ts w e will b e serving r efreshments thr oughout. This i s an opportunity t o r aise m oney f or the
charities r epr esen ted, f or the chur ch, and some of th e org anisations w e support. Please d o come along and learn mor e about some of the or g anisations repr esented as well as enjoying some tea and t asty tr eats. This is a chang e t o ou r pr e vious pa t t ern o f Charity Coff ee mornings as the hall i s now i n use every Saturday morning for the Slimming W orld Group meeting.




Sund a y 7 th Apri l w as a v ery special da y f or u s at Leis t on. W e held a join t service with f olk f or Saxm und ham and w er e deligh t ed t o welcome Fr eddie, his parents, Emily and Kierran, along with family and friends, o n the occasion o f Freddies’ baptism. The ser vice was le d b y R evd Adam and it w as the fir s t baptism h e had conducte d since his or dination i n 2022. I t w as also the fir s t baptism t o t ak e p lac e in th e church f or 1 7 y ear s. The f on t had t o b e scrubbe d clean in rea diness. The service w as joyful , and the f olk wh o attended, including a great man y little f ol k o f similar age t o Fr eddie, enjoy ed their time t og ether . W e s ang All thi ngs brigh t and beautiful” and “Lord of all hopefulness as r equested b y the f amily . W orking closer with Sa xm und ham UR C w e ar e now f ollowing a diff er en t pat tern f or our mon thly
services including some join t services held a t one o r other o f the two chur ch buildings. Each month w e now aim t o have a t least one join t service a t Saxm und ham and one a t Leis ton. Thus, w e ha v e one Sunda y when there is a morning service a t Saxmundham , and an afternoon service a t Leiston , and one Sunda y when separ ate morning services are hel d a t both churche s. Ther e ar e of c our se challenges associa ted with the ne w arr angements, not least of all with r eg ard t o tr ansport. W e ar e curr ently working to e xplor e possible w a y s to pr ovide tr ansport without being reliant o n the small number o f drivers who are part o f the church. W e ha ve also had t o find a new w a y t o advertise the services using poster s, and c o lum nar pages in the join t mag azine. Our church notice boards have been adapted and ou r join t websit e is pr oving useful i n helping people find out about what w e are doing an d w e have had a number o f visitor s join u s for worship a t both Leis ton and Saxmundham. W e ha v e also s t arted con v er sations with some of the other loc al methodis t churches abo ut the possibility of occasionally joini ng f or wor ship, especially in ligh t o f the lack of minis t er s i n the Ip swich Me thodis t Cir cuit a t present. From the Summer the circuit will b e r educed t o just two stipendiary minis t er s , and remain so f or the time being. O n Sunda y 19 th Ma y , in the aft ernoon, w e w er e ag ain pleased t o host the annual Leis t on Chris tian’ s T ogether P entecos t Celebr a tion and T ea. W or ship t ook place i n Church Squar e and w e welcomed friends from the other churches in Leiston some o f whom a lso took a part in leading worship. There was plenty o f cake for
us all to enjoy aft erw ards, and it w as an encour aging time of wor ship and f ellowship.







W e ar e now well into the London Institut e of Con t emp or ary Christianity’ s “ Fruitfulness on the Fr ontline tr aining c our se. The mat erial is designed t o encour age u s t o view our da y t o da y lives through a series o f “missional lenses” that hel p u s see ho w God i s work ing and how God can work with u s , and through u s, wher ever w e may be. There are six Ms of fruitfulness which formed part of the discussion when w e wer e all looking a t the developme nt of our Mission Action Plans. These ar e: M odelling godly char acter; M aking good w ork; M inis t ering gr ace & love; M oulding cultur e; M outhpiece f or truth & justice; M essenger of the gospel. W e ar e running six sessions , o n a f ortnightly basis, via Zoom and i n per son. W e wi ll then t ak e a br eak ov er the Sum mer when, hopefully , f olk will ha v e the opportunity t o r ead the book on which the cour se i s based. W rit ten b y the director o f LICC, Mark Greene, the book gives further opportunity f or reflection and e x amples t o inspire. The aim, i n the Autumn, i s t o g ather those who ha ve tak en part in the fir s t round o f the c our se t o shar e a meal and consider w a ys i n which w e c an shar e our learning with the wider church communities. W e will also b e looking a t some a dditio nal o ppo rtunitie s t o eng ag e in LICC c our ses including one specifically f ocused o n those who ar e o f r etir emen t age.
As w e look ahead i n f aith t o wh a t Go d i s c alling u s t o i n the future, incl uding those ideas r eflected in our Mission Action plans , it is in ter es ting t o consider how partnership wit h other lo cal churches and or g aniza tions seems t o f ea tur e highly . I n our chur ch news abov e, y ou will not e tha t all the chur ches in the pas t or a t e are eng aged i n partner ship development. Fir s t, o f c our se, w e ha ve the partner ship opportunities of f er ed within the pastor at e, and i t has been encouraging t o see the many w a ys i n which w e support one another . Not least of all there i s the ongoing I T support and sharing of advice and expertise, f olk turning u p to dif f er en t events i n the chur ches, sometime travelling quite a distance to d o s o, and supporting pastor ate -wide learning opportunities. Also worth y of not e i s th e on going work of th e P as t or a t e Caring f or Creation Gr oup i n supporting each chur ch t o tak e f orw ard the Ec o-Chur ch agenda. E ach church has also r ecognised and begun or con tinued t o work in partnership with other loc al chur ches. As well as supporting each other and growing a strong relationship, Leis ton and Saxmundham ha v e good r elationships with the other churches i n the t owns and i t is p os sible tha t the t w o churches together” groups ma y seek t o work mor e closely . Cas tle Hill ar e dev eloping a s tronger r elationship with Whit ton P arish and ar e seeking t o find opp ortunities t o shar e in missional support f or the local community . Cas tle hill ar e also w orking t o dev elop support f or Castle Hill School. I n F elixstowe w e ar e, as mentioned earlier , w orking to grow our partner ship with the F elixs t ow e Me thodis t chur ch. Leader s now
meet r egularly to plan and develop our working and mutual, pr ayerful support. Also , as mentioned earlier , S t John’ s is beginning to eng age with the North East Ipswich Chur ches group. W e also c on tinue t o e xplor e w a y s t o eng ag e with the user s of the chur ch premises. Let’ s pr ay f or one another as w e continue t o w ork t og ether , and with other partner s t o help grow the Kingdom and reach out t o those acr oss the pastor ate. W e ma y not f eel tha t w e ha v e a gr ea t deal t o of f er b ut together w e can and will mak e a diff er ence. As part of our Join t P as t or at e arr angemen ts, ou r a nnual Com bine d Elders’ Meeting f or all serving elders in the P as t or a t e w as held on Sa tur da y 27 th April 2024. Although some apologies were r eceived, w e had eigh t een in at tendance with r epr esen t ation fr om each church , when w e g ather ed a t Saxmundham United R ef ormed Chur ch. W e shar ed i n wor ship, heard updates and pr a y er r eques ts fr om each o f the c hur ches, r e visit ed the P as t or at e Agr eement and look ed a t a Summary of the obje ctive s identifie d in ea ch of our MAPS seeking t o iden tify w a ys i n which w e can further su pport each other . R evd Adam in vited u s t o consider the question, “How d o y ou eat an elephant? The answer being one b it e a t a time and, if possi ble, t o get lots o f pe o ple worki ng i n partne rship t o help. When faced with the comple xity o f world and c ommunity needs and the appar ently huge task o f mission i t can b e daunting, like eating an elephant. W e w er e enc our ag ed t o hear tha t w e c an of f er what w e are and have t o God, and allow God
t o use these things; w e ourselves should take time t o “be” (w e ar e human beings not human doings after all) and t o b e r es tored. W e were encouraged also t o let God b e God. F ollowing the meeting w e enjoyed bacon (or vegetarian sausage) filled rolls, with a variety of fruit an d c ak es t o f ollow . I t w as a wonde rful opportunity to spen d ti me together and support one another. Thanks t o the Saxmundham church for hosting this year and for making us all so welcome. R evds Da vid and Adam, as minis t ers o f Leis ton Unit ed Church, serve i n partner ship with the Methodist Chur ch. F ollowing the completion of the necessary paperwork and appr ov al, they wer e w elc omed as Associat e Pr esbyter s of th e Methodist Chur ch f or the Ipswich Cir cuit a t a service held a t Alan R oad Methodist Church o n Sunday 28 th April. This means that they ar e able t o support the work of the cir cuit, especially wher e w e ar e looking t o develop partnership, bu t does not mea n that they will b e leading services i n Methodis t churches ins t ead of the chur ches i n the I&E UR C P as t or at e.




R evds Adam and Da vid r ecen tly at tended the E as tern and Thames North Synods’ Sp rin g School . Ar ound 40 minis t ers fr om the tw o ar eas g a ther ed f or a f our-day opportunity t o learn, share and w or ship t og ether with plen ty of time f or fellowship and sharing ideas. The theme this year was “Sing A Ne w Song” and in vited those pr esent to e xplor e the futur e of the church, and our local church life, as God leads u s f orward. The Spring School is part o f the
ongoing tr aining f or minis t ers. R evd Neil Thor og ood , f ormer Principal o f the URC’s Westminster College i n Cambridge, led u s thr ough the da ys, giving a good in troduction and g athering o f the thr eads of tho ug ht a t the end. Our daily Bible studies, f ocused on the Bea titudes, w er e led b y R evd Gail Richards, one o f the R egional Minister s o f the E as tern Baptis t Associa tion. W e also hear d about local ministry and pr ojects and had a presentation r eg ar ding the LICC Fruitfulness and Whole Life Discipleshi p the mes .
The even t t ook place a t High Leigh a Christian Conf er ence Centr e i n Hoddesdon, Hertf or dshir e. The surroundings ar e beautiful a nd le nd themselve s well t o r e flection. Coffee was o n tap from 8:00am t o 8:00pm so w e had mor e than w e could possibly want and the food was generous, varied and tasty . I t i s planned t o use the same venue next year. R evd Adam has joined R evd Da vid as part o f the planning group for the next Spring School an e x ample o f their working t og ether f or the wider ch ur ch. The ch ur ches o f the p as tor a t e ar e, a t pr esen t, part o f the South Suff olk Area P artner ship o f the E astern S ynod. F ollowing the success of the partnership service and tea held a t Needham Mark et las t y ear , w e ar e holding another g a the ring this year th e details of which ar e as f ollows:



















16:00 @






As las t y ear , our service will b e led b y the Moder ator of E as t ern S ynod, R evd L ythan Ne v ard. R ev d Ad am will b e a t the or g an and piano. Everyone is welcome t o come and join this special even t.








O n Sunda y 21 s t April each o f the chur ches acr oss the pas tor at e held “Caring for Creation Eco Chur ch” themed services. Some with R evd David or R evd Adam leading and others with a Hybrid service. W e fo cus ed on the c all t o b e g ood s t ew ar ds of the world and touched o n some of the issues facing the world, including the impact o f climate change especially wher e i t aff ects those who ha ve participated o r benefit ted least fr om the actions that ha ve caused the problem.
W e in vited all those pr esen t t o complete a tick-sheet ques ti onn air e. This w as t o help the P as t or at e Caring f or Cr ea tion Gr oup an d each church t o iden tify ar eas wher e w e ar e doing well and where w e could together, an d as individuals, mak e f urther advances. The da t a fr om over 7 0 ques tions w as compiled and ha s be en a nalysed to identif y our streng ths and ar eas f or impr ovemen t. This also means that w e can celebr ate the str eng ths r ather than continually r epeating messag es tha t ha v e alr eady been heard an d wher e commitments ha ve been made. The results wer e both encour aging and useful. With some sligh t v ariations acr oss the churches (which i s expect ed) her e ar e some of the k ey messages tha t the da t a h as r ev ealed: Over all, w e ar e c ommit t ed to and w orking hard at r ecy cling . The only limit ations ar e shown t o arise, unsurprisingly , when it comes t o r e cyc ling certain items which ar e not y et included i n our loc al collections or of f er ed a t r ecy cling poin ts. In the pas t man y f olk wer e r e cyc ling blis t er pack s fr om medication but this has be come more difficult. The C4C gr oup i s con tinuing t o look in t o w a y s of helping f olk eng ag e with some of these more challenging re cyc ling act ivities. W e ar e lar gely c ommit t ed t o r educing was t e i n a v ariety o f w a ys including f ood, ener gy and wat er . Making use o f w ashing lines, showering instead of bathing, only filling the k ettle with as much wat er as i s needed, turning of f taps and electrical devices, and reusing items suc h as f ood con t ainer s c an all mak e a big diff er ence.
There is some scope for u s t o find out more about w a ys t o further enhance our e ff orts in this ar ea, especially wher e single use plastics , alternative pr oducts and r efill options ar e concerned. Some of the products and options mentioned in the questionnaire were clearly unf amiliar t o f olk. The pr oblem of accessing facilities such a s r efill shops is, o f c our se, s ome thing that needs t o b e consider ed. Man y f olk ar e commit t ed t o making the mos t o f g ar den spaces t o pr omote biodiv ersity including selective planting, bird boxes, bu g hotels and f eeding wild bird a t the appr opria t e times of the y ear . Supporting wildlife is another important factor i n helping the planet, especially cr eatur es such as bees and other pollinator s tha t ar e s o vit al to ou r f ood supply . Ther e w er e some areas wher e w e have a way to g o although i t mus t b e acknowledged that some of the ar eas wh er e ther e was low er “upt ak e” ar e also some o f the hardest things t o addr ess . F or e x ample, inst alling solar panels, air o r gr ound source heat pum ps, o r changing t o electric v ehicles are not things that can just happen overnight, as man y f olk d o not ha ve the opportunity or capacity t o mak e such significant changes. Ar eas for further explor ation include: R epair , r euse and r e cyc ling of clothing, pre-loved items, and gifts , wher ev er possible. Clothing was t e, i n particular , i s ha ving a signific an t and neg ative impact on the planet and w e c an all d o our bit to
mak e a diff er ence while saving money at the same ti me. Ther e is r oom f or u s to c onsider wh a t w e ea t, the origin o f our f ood and the seasonal a v ailability of so me pr odu ce , including w a ys to access mor e loc ally pr odu ced it ems. The materials fr om which p r odu cts ar e mad e is also a n ar ea f or further e xplor ation. Many materials, especially the manmade v arieties, will t ak e hundr eds i f not thousands o f year s t o decompose , adding t o the alr eady v ast amoun t o f w as t e going t o landfill i f they c annot b e r e cyc led. There ar e also some inf ormation sharing and initiativ es  tha t we c ould eng ag with such as finding out  about the sust ainability of the electricity off ered by our utility providers, eng aging with even ts such as “No -mow May” and “Earth Hour and maybe collectively r aising our voices loudly to support e co campaigns and challeng ing gov ernmen t to c ommit mor e fully to Caring f or Cr eation. Thank y ou t o ev eryone who c omplet ed a questionnaire. W e will share more about the outc ome and some sugges tions i n the coming mo nths.
The next e dition of Connect w ill b e published i n Sept ember 2024. If you ha ve any items for inc lusion, please send them t o R evd Adam o n r ev
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