
g R


oms at St J


URC Ipsw


Initial Consi dera ti ons When ? Da y ? Time? How long nee ded for Booking Including : Setting Up , Clearing U p What Space Do Y ou Really Need Wha t Si zed S p ace? How Man y P eopl e? How Many T ables? How Many Chairs? Do Y ou Nee d K it chen F a cil it ies ?
£ COST: P rice on Ap p licati o n use and , in colder parts of the year , the heating requirements.
Please note that it will var y wi th th e fr equency o f
These are c urren tly under review but will be h ig h er than sh own Car P arking This is r eally difficu lt so assume it is NO T A V AILABLE


tions of Bo






No Smoking,

No Exi

t Blocking


Follow Alcohol P


Y ou Mu s t T ake all precautions on safety


e Public Liability Insurance

See Condi tio ns D o cument for Guida nce on P ublic Lia b il ity Insura nce require ments. Comply wi th all La ws On : Hea lth a nd Sa fety Sa fe-Guar ding of vuln era b le adults and chi ldr e n
 
Foo d Hy giene Entertainment Licences
 
Dis a b il it y Equ a li ty
 
Clean and Tidy Up af ter the event with ever ything r etu rn ed to its origin al p la ce

Complete Booking Enquiry F


Ther e a r e 2 wa y s of doi n g this 1 Comple te the enquir y Typeform on the next page
The simplest and most secure way 2 Download a form and com plete it and retu rn to room booking@stj ohn surci pswich.org.uk Simple and you c an wo rk on it when you h ave time an d can check inf ormatio n The form is a filla ble PDF b ut you m ay nee d to pri nt it still if yo ur PDF reader is n ot able to cope wi th it. This confirms Y OU A gr ee d to the Bo okin g C on dition s
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