ST JOHN’S UNITED REFORMED CHURCH POLICY ON ALCOHOL USE IN CHURCH As Jesus' first miracle was to turn water into wine to save a wedding host's embarrassment; and Paul advised Timothy to take a little wine for his health's sake, we recognise that alcohol is a gift from God for our health and wellbeing. As with all good gifts it is to be appreciated and used wisely; not abused or used to excess to the detriment of self and others. It is, therefore, deemed appropriate for responsible use of alcohol by the church or other users of the premises to be permitted at limited instances. For example, alcohol could be served at a club or group to celebrate an occasion such as a birthday, or as part of the refreshments for a special event. In all instances, alternative non-alcoholic drinks must also be available. Whilst welcoming the use of the premises by the wider community, we recognise that [a] some of those who use the premises would not want to have alcohol at their activities [b] we have residential properties close by who must not be disturbed. For these reasons the premises will not be available for hire for large, celebratory parties or events where a bar is available with a wide range of alcoholic drinks which could be consumed over-enthusiastically. We are not a licensed premises for the sale of alcohol, so none may be sold at any events. We would also remind those using or hiring the premises to leave them in a clean and tidy state, removing all rubbish and recycling as appropriate. Agreed by Church Meeting, 18 th July 2024
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