Options & Pricing Table
Items and descriptions
Brand lite CHF 3,000/qtr  CHF 10,000/year​
Brand full CHF 4,500/qtr​ CHF 15,000/year​
Profile raiser​ CHF 15,000/year
Global Leader CHF 20,000/year
Sidebar advert
300x110 linked banner advert on every page of the website
300x600 linked banner advert on every page of the website
Article footer advert
720x90 linked banner advert at the foot of every article​
Newsletter banner advert
600x220 linked banner advert at foot of prior- ity news section
600x220 linked banner advert ahead of priority news section
Article top​ advert
720x90 linked banner advert at the top of every article
Website footer​ advert
720x90 linked banner advert within the web- site footer
News coverage​
Your news (M&A, prod- uct launches, etc) reported through IG
Written interviews
2x Interviews con- ducted by IG editor with your senior fig- ure/s on subject cho- sen with you
4x Interviews con- ducted by IG editor with your senior fig- ure/s on subject cho- sen with you
Comment campaigns​
Inclusion in IG social media comment cam- paigns focused on key dates and issues
Inclusion in IG social media comment cam- paigns focused on key dates and issues
Video/podcast  episode
A dedicated podcast/video inter- view or discussion on a subject chosen with you
Event coverage* *Assumption of half day event. Will adapt to specific needs
On-the-day coverage of your event or event- speaking through IG website and social media channels
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