St Jo h n’s United Refo rmed Church 1 Cowper Str eet, Ipswich IP4 5JD Web  Address: w  ww.stjohnsurcipswich.org.uk




Chris Mills
A no te fr om V al
Minister’s Letter
The Journe y of Lent: More Than Just Gi ving Up Chocolate Lent is her e again, starti ng on Ash Wedn esday, this year on t he 5th Mar ch. It’s that time of year when we’re all supposed to give somet hing up—chocolate, crisps, wine, social media, or maybe even ca ff eine (if yo u’re bra ver than me !). But is tha t really the heart o f Lent? Or is there somet hing deeper? It seems to me that a t its core, Lent is about re fl ection, r enewal, and draw ing clos er to God. It’ s a journe y, not a punis hment. It’s about making space—clearing away the clutter so w e can focus on what rea lly matters. Jesus spen t 40 days in the wilder ness pr eparing for his ministry , and in some small way, we ’re invite d to do the same. “Cr eate in me a clean heart, O God, a nd renew a right spirit within me (Psalm 51:10). A friend of mine o nce decided to give up negativity for Len t. Instead of cutting out a favourit e food o r soap ope ra, she challenged herself to stop complaining. Every time she caught herself moaning about the weather or grumbling about the tra ffi c, o r getting ann oyed at he r husband or children, she made a consci ous e ff ort to fi nd something go od instead. It wasn’t easy, in fact at times it was almost impossible, but b y Easter, she said she felt lighter —freer, even. I t had s hifted he r mindset in a wa y sh e hadn’t expecte d. So maybe this Lent , instead of (or alongside) giving som ething up, we could take somet hing on. A daily act of kindness. More time in prayer . Writing letters or emails to people who need encour agement. Volunte ering. Actually attend a Lent course this year! Checking in on a neighbo ur. Something that draws us closer to God and to one anoth er.
Ultimately , Lent isn’t about self- denial for the sake of it—it’s ab out trans formation. It’s about stepping away from the noise and m aking room for grace. And if that means still having the odd square of chocolate while choosing to be mo re patie nt, more c ompassionat e, or more pray erful, then I rec kon God will be just fi ne with that. Whatever you decide this Lent, may it be a time of growth, p eace, un expec ted joy , and may it “… rene w a right spirit within me.” David
It was very sad to hea r Peter Cook passed away on 3rd February 2025. During the 60+ years Peter was a member of St John ’s, he sang in the choir, served as an Elder and as Chur ch Secre tary. With his kee n ey e for detail, Peter was a majo r contributor to our church redevelopment in the mid 1980’s. All of us will ha ve our fond recollections o f him, but for me, I will tre asure t he many miles we walked togethe r with the St John’s rambling group. As well as our monthly walks, w e enjoy ed many weeken ds away in Norfolk , Kent, Essex, Rutland and The Chilterns. Even when Peter was unable to ‘go the distance’, he and Jenny would join us for the weekend to soak up the companionship of the g roup and share many, many laughs. Peter’s funeral will be he ld at St J ohn’s on Tuesday, 2 5th March a t 12 noon. Our prayers are with Jenny, Andrew and Annette, Peter ’s brother John and his wife Ann. Relationships – The Heart of the Matter. Please look out for details of this year’s Lent Course to take place at St John’s on Wednesd ay afternoons at 2 pm, starting on 12 th March. Alternatively 7 pm at Castle Hill.
Staging We curr ently have an a rea of platfor m/staging in the Wo rship Area and we are que stioning if this is still needed. Elders would like to hear your comments please. On Sunday, 23rd March, we are pleased to welcome t he Mo derator of Eastern Synod, R evd Lythan N evard, who will be lead ing our worship at 10.45 am. A date for your diary Sunday, 6th April – Church Lunch. Please look out for th e sign-up sheet. And please don’t forget – Chur ch M eeting (AGM) on Thursday 27th March at 2.00 pm. Val
Communion Offering Thank you for your recent donations. I list below the orga nisations you may lik e to support o ver the next f ew months . March - St Eli zabeth Hospice April - St Elizabeth Hospice May - Christian Aid June - Mission Avia tion Fellowship July - Mission Avi ation Fellowship August - Water Aid September - W ater Aid Thank You Val
A big ‘Thank You’ It is not every day that you become 90; and the response to the big day by so many people from St John’s in cards, phone calls and other ways was so heart warming an d is no w a muc h treasur ed memor y. S, m hk t y  r J T Bible Study Our February Pastorate Bible Study will be on Monday morning February 10th at 10.30 in t he morning via Zoo m. Our passage for discussio n will be the G ospel read ing for the following Sunday which is Luk e 6:17-26 . This is Luke’ s Sermon on the Plain which in pa rt parallels Matt hew’s Sermon on the Plain which in part parallels Sermon on the
Mount. W e might also look at t he other Ne w Testament passage which is 1 Corinthians 15:12- 20. It is always goo d t o share our understanding and the insights that we have from our experience and to se e how it relat es to our Christian living today . All are welco me to join, t o listen and to contribute . When logging on the meet ing ID is 889 953 6542. If you have no internet you can use you r phone by dialling 02034815240 or 01304601196 and when prompted enter the number 889 953 6542 . Elaine T Trea surers Report You are thanked for O ff e rings in January of £1.725.50 and donations to our Communion Fu nd in January and February t otalling £102.00 This was sent to support the Presbyterian Church of Myanmar, a long standing partne r of the URC. As always, our grateful thanks for all your financial support. M a ry A and Richard W Hadleigh joins Ipsw ich & East Pastorate
A very much a ppreciated Se rvice of Welcome on Sunday 9th February a t 2:30 was held in Hadleigh Churc h, followed b y refres hments. It was attend ed by members from the other 5 churches of the
Ser vices at St John’ s Thes e are at 1 0:45 norma lly 02 Mar Sund ay Wors hip & Communion Le d by Re v Da vid Re es 09 Mar Sun day Wo rship Led by Ke ith Sc arff
16 Mar
Sunday W ors hip
23 Mar
Su nda y Wo rsh ip L ed by Re v Lythan N evard , Mode rator
30 Mar Sunday W ors hip Led by Pet er Daw son
To get in touch and send contributions to Adv ance please use the email: advan ce@stjohn surcipsw ich.org.uk Please note the deadline for the April Advance is 25th Mar ch
Pause for Thought Peace if possible; truth at all costs. Martin Luther (1483 – 1546), German priest, theologia n, author and hymn writer.
30 Mar Jean H
09 Mar 16 Mar Val V 23 Mar Mollie H
02 Mar Jill L
F lo w er Ro t a
Lesley a nd Br ian
Sheila and Jill B
Sheila and Jill B Greta and Jenny
After Service Coffee Rota Date Coffee Rota Names
Past orate. This in cluded sev en people fro m St John’s. The Service and Com munion was led by the Mod erator , Rev Lyt han Nev ard.
March Dia ry Dates Sunday 2nd – NE Ipswich churches 6.30 pm – St Michael’s Martlesham Saturday 8th – Community coffee m orning Sunday 9th – 10.25 – Pause for prayer Wednesday 12th – 2pm – Lent gr oup Wednesday 19th 10.30 am Pas toral meeting 2 pm – Lent gr oup Thursday 20th – 7.00 pm Elders Tuesday 25th – 12 noon – Peter Cook’s funeral Wednesday 26th – 2pm – Lent gr oup Thursday 27th – 2 pm – Church M eeting (AGM) Saturday 29th 2 pm Combined Elders’ m eeting at Felixs towe URC
Maureen B
Led by Re v Liz Fox
06 April S unday Worship & Communion Led by Allison Smi th
02 Mar 09 Mar 16 Mar 23 Mar 30 Mar 06 April
Jill B and Margaret B
Mary A & Pauline
Pauline & Jill L
06 April Brenda L
  Mar 6 th       Safe Harbour Bob Hamilton, Diocesan Pioneer Developer   Mar 13 th    An Eye for Life, John’s exhibition at the Wolsey Gallery John Ferguson, photographer   Mar 20 th    Call the Midwife Jane Lane   Mar 27 th    Unpack a Painting how artists help us to see                    Viola Jones   Apr 3 rd       The work of Emmaus to overcome homelessness and social exclusion                    Claire Staddon, Chief Executive, Emmaus Suffolk
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