

United Reformed



1 Cowper

Street, Ipswich IP4 5JD







Ministers: Rev Adam Earle and Rev David Rees Office:
E-mail: Web:
Tel:01473 724961 secretary@stjohnsurcipswich.org.uk www.stjohnsurcipswich.org.uk
Minister’s Letter ‘The wind blows where it choo ses, and you hear the sound o f it, but you do not kno w where it comes from or where i t goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spi rit.’ John 3:8 Recently David and I were blessed to take part in the Eastern and Thames North Synods’ Spring School. As part of one of the sessions we were asked to c onsider some things that mig ht cause us and our church families to be c oncerned as we look to the future and continue to discern God’s will. In typical minis ter style th ose present managed t o come up with a list of words beginning with the letter C (a habit of a lifetime forged in preparing sermon s). One which stood out was “Control” or rather the fear of losin g control. I was reminded of an illustrat ion I once saw of how the Holy Spirit w orks. We were watching a video as part of a Bible Study group. The presenter sat at a desk, by a window, as he spoke. The desk was neatly arranged with papers stacked and ordered in an elegant manner. As he spoke o f t he working of t he Holy Spirit, he opened the window. The wind whipped in and sent the piles o f paper in all directions. As Jesus explained in his conversatio n with Nicodemus (John 3), th e Spirit moves freely as God wills and t hose who embrace t he Spirit will likewise follo w wherever we are led. When we let the Holy Spirit lead and g uide us in our lives and mission, things will look very di ff erent our expectation s and the familiar, comfo rting norms that we have established may, or indeed w ill, be challenged and rearranged.
Since the pandemic and lock-down period there is a real sense that rath er than returning to the old patterns and ways, God has new things, new ways, in min d for us to be church. We can be reluctant to embrace such chang e especially where it seems to undermine the familiar and we want to take control, holding on to what we know rather than letting God rule in our lives and church families – we fear losin g control. Richard Rohr, a Franciscan friar and ecumenical teacher said this, “The opposit e of faith is no t doubt; the opposite of faith i s control.” It’s a challenging lesson to grasp. The challenge of God’s will, the challenge of God’s free and transforming Spiri t is to let go and let God, where ver that may take us. Let us choose faith over control and learn to live fully under God’s sovereign will, allowing the Spirit t o work God’s purposes in us and through us. Revd Adam Earle
A note from Val It was good to see Sara back in chu rch and to learn she is progressing well. She has asked me to THANK YOU for the many messa ges she has received. CHRISTIAN AID (CA) Thank you to th ose who supported the COFFEE MORNING where we raised over £200.00. As well as raising t he money, there was a lovely ‘buzz’ in the room, and my t hanks to Brian and Lesley, Gwen, Jill and Mary. In the afternoon, a fund-raising Drive was h eld at the Bowls Club who gave us half of their proceeds Thank You for supporting CA in this way each year . The money we have so far raised, together with the gift envelopes, will now
be passed to David Coo k, our CA Treasurer, and I’ll report back to you in July with our total. TEA WITH FELIXSTOWE URC Monday afternoon, 3rd June at 2.00 pm. We look forward to an enjoyable after noon with our friends from Felixstowe. Don’t f org et your sun hats! Treasurer’s Report You are thanked for O ff erings in April of £1,801 and donations in May for Christian Aid of £33. Don ations to the cost of new hedging of £329 have totalled £348 - many t hanks for your support. We have now received our Insurer s con fi rmation that we can proceed wit h the rebuilding work to the Church, following impact damage and builders have been appointed. Work should be commencing soon.. AND Many congratulations to Natalie and all her team at the Pre-school for the goo d news that they have been graded as GOOD, following the recent Of sted inspection. WELL DONE! (Hear! Hear! Editor) As always we are very grateful for all yo ur continued financia l support. Mary A & Richa rd W
There is a copy of a letter from Synod M&M Advocate: Alan Glifton in Room 1
Your gift of £19,0 80 to the Ministry and Mission Fund in 2023 has helped the United Reformed Church in its work for the Kingdom by paying ministers’ stipends, funding training and supporting mission initiati ves that seek to find new ways to serve others, worship God and grow disciples. Your financia l gifts have made all of this possible. Thank you you, your gifts and your generosity are greatly appreciated.
Revd Lythan Nevard Moderator (Eastern Synod)
Online via Castle Hill’s Zoom (ID: 889 953 6542) @ 7:00 PM
St John’s In Person @ 2:00 PM
Wed 05 th June Wed 19 th June Wed 03 rd July
Thur 6 th June Thur 20 th June Thur 4 th July
Pastoral Meeting Wednesday 3rd July. 10.30am SSAP Gathering at Hadleigh 7 t h July 4.00 pm led by our Moder ator, Lythan Nevard followed by a bring and share tea. NE Ipswich Services at 6.30 pm 2nd June - St Michael's Church. Taize Service 7 th July – All Saints, Lile Bealings 4 th August – St Andrew’s, R ushmere
Services at St John’s These are at 10:45 normally 2 June Sunday Worship and Communion Led by Rev Adam Earle 9 June Sunday Worship Hybrid Service Led by Andrew Walker (Prepared by Rev Adam Earle) 16 June Sunday Worship Led by Rev David Rees 23 June Sunday Worship Led by Allison Smith
30 June
Sunday Worship Led by Rev John Cook
After Service Coffee Rota Date Coffee Rota Names
02 June
Mary A and Pauline
09 June
Margaret B and Jill B
16 June
Lesley and Brian
23 June
Maureen and Jenny
30 June
Sheila and Jill B
To get in touch and send contributions to Advance please use the email: advance@stjohnsurcipswich.org.uk Please note the deadline for the July Advance is 22nd June
Pause for Thought “When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful”. “I don't want to be remembered as the girl who was shot. I want to be remembered as the girl who stood up”. Malala Yousafzai (born 12 July 1997), Pakistani female educat ion activist and the 2014 Nobel Pea ce Prize laureate.
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