Whole Building All DayWhole Building Half DayPlease Note: Kitchen facilities are available,but cannot be booked by any one organisation;use of the kitchen must be shared with allusers of the hall, dependent on floor level.
How to pay:
An inv
oice will be s
ent for
ent in 14 da
ys,or a regular pa
t agreed.
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sked to
vide a dep
it in
Every effort will be made to ensure you receive the dates) and times) you wish, but this cannot beguaranteed.■This Booking Form has a copy of the current Conditions and Information for Users. It providesessential information for you and which you must sign to acknowledge agreement.■Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults. Our policy on this is available on request by all hirers of events involving these groups. It should be read before signing the additional form to your agreement to cover these extra responsibilities.
SmokeOffer alcohol as a prize where people undertheage of 18 are purchasing draw tickets. (The use ofalcohol as aprize is discouraged wherever possible).Block any exits from the building.
uphold the principles of the revisedSafeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act (2006). Anadditional form of undertaking is required to becompleted and signed in this event.
Use it is
ntial to:
Replace any furniture or equipment moved inconnection the activity to the position in which itwas found and leave all rooms and furnitureclean and tidy.Clear and leave the outside play areas cleanand tidy.Clear the foyer and lift of major items ofequipment.
Any damage, loss or breakage caused during or as a result of their use of the building.Ensuring all fire doors are unlocked at all timeduring use and that NO fire exits are obstructed inany way. Note: All doors with a crash bar are fireexits.
Accept any responsibility for injury, loss or damagehowever caused to persons or property in or on thepremises including car park. (See notes on PublicLiability Insurance in the information adjacent.)
Users of
the premises
are r
the Chur
Ensuring: they have adequate First Aid cover for theactivity taking place; that aFire and Safety RiskAssessment has been completed;and that aneffective evacuation plan has been established.Ensuring responsible use of abasic First Aid Boxavailable in the Ground Floor Kitchen in theeyelevel cupboard to the right of the exterior door.(The cupboard is marked with astandard First Aid+' on a green background.) Together with the First Aid kit is an Accident Report book.Recording an accident in the Accident Book.
Carry out activities that cause any nuisance orinconvenience to neighbours.
What the Church
does not do:
Complying with all Laws and Regulationsapplying to:Safety,Food Safety/Hygiene,Disability, Equality, andEntertainment, as relevant.People and groups working with children orvulnerable adults are required to agree to
Note that all items in section 4 are legalrequirements on you and your group ororganisation.Thereisatotalofsixspacesforcarsintheadjacentcarparkallocatedforchurchuse.Theymaynot be available.Each group or meeting using St John's premises will ensure that he/she/they haveadequatePublic Liability Insurance to coverthe nature and duration of the event oractivity as St John's accepts no liability forany loss, damage of injury to persons or propertywhilst they or it are in any part of the Churchpremises. If you are involving the public in anevent or using equipment brought into thepremises you would be foolish not todo so. You may consider it less essential if it is asmall meeting or discussion group, but St John'sstill do not accept any responsibility. As anexample: if you are having aparty foryoung children, it would be still be wise to take out insurance, especially if equipment oran entertainer is present unless these comecovered by the equipment supplier's orentertainer's insurance.A Church Representative is frequently on dutyweekday mornings during school term time, exceptWednesdays and also on evenings when the premises are in use. Outside these times the users will beresponsible for unlocking the premises andmaintaining security during their activity, andalso for ensuring all doors and windows on bothfloors are closed and locked and that all lights areout when they leave.Costs for use of the premises are reviewed annually and can beobtained from the Bookings Conditions Secretary.