

United Reformed



1 Cowper

Street, Ipswich








Ministers: Rev Adam Earle and Rev David Rees Contact:
E-mail: Web:
Tel:01473 402721 Rev D Rees secretary@stjohnsurcipswich.org.uk www.stjohnsurcipswich.org.uk
Minister’s Letter In our “Fruitfulness on the Frontline” learning sessions we have been re fl ecting on how we serve and work for God in ev ery aspect of our lives. Some of us make use of social media online, thing s like Instagram and Faceboo k, so it makes sense that, from time to time, we can use this as a means to promote faith and encourage people to think. Recently this verse from Proverbs came up on a friend’ s account and it resonated strongly, especially in the light of the many challeng ing situat ions which face the world today: “If you oppress poor people, you insult the God who made them; but kindness shown to the poor is an act of worship.” Proverb s 14:31 I am sure I have read it before but it seemed, as God’s Word often does, to have particular power and relevance in the here and now. It reminded me, too, of Nelson Mandela’s famous words, “A nation should not be judged by h ow it treats its highest citizens, but its lowest ones.” God’s care for and love for the poor, the marginalised a nd those facing injustice is no secret. We fi nd passag e aft er passag e in scripture t hat highligh ts this care and concern and encourages each of us to take seriously the challenge. There are over 3000 verses which address the subject. Many Old Testament laws relate to how we should deal with one ano ther and ensure that our dealings are caring and f air. Jesus, so often, engaged with th ose on the edge, the people that others had rejected, excluded or ignored he was criticised for the same. At the outset of his ministry, he read from the scroll of Isaiah and declared, “‘The Spir it of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery
of sight to the blind, t o let the oppressed go free, to proclaim the year of th e Lord’s favour.’ (Luke 4:18-19), drawing the commitment of the old covenant to it s ful fi lment in the new. We don’t need to look far to see examples where people are oppressed o r downtrodden due to fi nancial circumstances, unfair law or outright violence, aggression and hateful rhetoric. As God’s people we canno t ignore this reality, we are called t o be Christlike, transformed and empowered by the Holy Spirit, to st and for the weak and work to change the situation in any way we can. The problem is that as w e look on and recognise the enormity of the challenge, we may step back in horror, overwhelmed by the way t hings are, and think we can do nothing or at least anyt hing we could do would b e so small, so insigni fi cant, it would barely scratch the surface. It is tru e that we cannot help everyone but also that each of us can help someo ne. Togeth er, we can make a bigger di ff erence. If God’s people throughout the world were to stand in solidarity wit h the poo r and the oppressed what a di ff erence it would make. Let’s continue then to do those things tha t we can, through word and deed to proclaim and live the year o f the Lor d’s favour. Let us unite in prayer for the world, na tion and community that God’s peace may reign, that love will prevail and forgiveness liberate. Let us pray also that whoever takes up th e reins of government following the election on 4th July will truly hold the poor and those facing injustice to heart and work for th e bene fi t of all. Revd Adam Earle
A note from Val CHRISTIAN AID 2024 Church envelopes/donatio ns £540.70 Co ff ee morning   £249.00 Communion o ff ering £33.00 Sale of plants 2023 £25.00 Bowls Club Drive £50.00 £897.70 £897.70 of which £295.00 was Gift Aided allowing C A to claim a further £73.75 from Inland Revenue. What a tremendo us e ff ort from St John’s and thanks to all wh o supported CA 2024. WALK & TEA - FELIXSTOWE URC Considering the inclement start to our Summer, we were blessed with some sunshine when a group of 20+ enjoyed a short stroll along the promenade before indulging ourselves with tea, cake, fruit and fellowship with our friends from Felixstowe URC. Thank you to all who supported this. SSAP GATHERING, HADLEIGH URC Lythan Nevard, Moderato r of Eastern Synod, will lead the gathering at Hadleigh URC on Sunday 7th July at 4.00 pm followed by a bring and share tea. Look out for a sign up list in the foyer if you can o ff er/need a lift to Hadleigh . CHURCH WORK MORNING 20th July We wi ll be cleaning kitchen cupboards in the downstairs and upstairs kitc hens, an d painting and decorating the upstairs ladies’ toilet. HELP IS NEEDED - PLEASE SPEAK WITH AN ELDER FOR DETAILS.
Treasurers Report You are thanked for O ff erings in May of £1,7 25 and donations in June to the Communion Fund of £33 for St Elizabeth Hospice. We also grate fully acknowledge a donation from the family of Mary Martin of £1000 , and donations in memory o f John Pulham of
£322.50 and in memory of Rita Scopes of £266.65. As always, we are grateful for all yo ur continued financial support. Mary A and Richard W Ipswich in Prayer On 3rd July there is an eve of Election Prayer Gathering at Cast le Hill United Reformed Church. Timing: 7.30pm - 9pm Everyone is welcome to a time of struc tured prayer that God’s purpo ses be worked out in the Ipswich Constituencies as a result of the Election.
SOLD OUT (sorry!)
Online via Castle Hill’s Zoom (ID: 889 953 6542) @ 7:00 PM
St John’s In Person @ 2:00 PM
Wed 03 rd July Thur 4 th July
Services at St John’s These are at 10:45 normally 7 July Sunday Worship and Communion Led by Rev David Rees 14 July Sunday Worship Led by Peter Dawson 21 July Sunday Worship Led by Peter Dawson 28 July Sunday Worship Led by Rev David Rees
4 August
Sunday Worship and Communion Led by Peter Dawson
After Service Coffee Rota Date Coffee Rota Names
07 July
Greta and Hazel
14 July
Pauline and Jill L
21 July
Dorothy and Colin
28 July
Mary A and Pauline
4 August
Gwen and Jill L
To get in touch and send contributions to Advance please use the email: advance@stjohnsurcipswich.org.uk Please note the deadline for the August Advance is 23rd July
Pause for Thought “Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the gras s under trees on a summ er's day, listening to the murmur of the wate r, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time..” Sir John Lubbock (1834-1913), The Use of Life, 1894
Dates for Your Diary 1 July 2pm Building Group meeting July Lythan Nevard will lead the SSAP Gathering at Hadleigh URC at 4pm followed by bring and share tea July NE Ipswich United service All Saints, Lt Bealings at 6.30 pm 13 July Community Coffee morning 15 July Advisory Group Mtg 10.00 am 18 July Ch urch meeting 7.00 pm 20 July Ch urch work morning 4t August NE Ipswich United service at St Andrew’s Rushmere – 6.30 pm
7 7
Fl R Many thanks to t hose who have already agreed to participate in the church fl ower Rota. If anyone else would like to be included do please have a word with Pauline, it could be on a regular basis or a special memo ry or date.
7 July
Molli e H
14 July
Mary A
21 July
Brenda L 28 July Pauline & Gwen
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