




1 Cowper

Street, Ipswich IP4 5JD







Photo by Adrian C
Blessings David
A note from Va l
Minister’s Letter
Christmas: Celebrating Jesus, the Light of the World As the days grow shorter and the nights seem longer, Christmas arrives to fi ll our world with light. This season is a time when we put up twinkling lights on trees, electric candles in windows, and decorations that brighten even the coldest, darkest evenings. But for Christians, the real light of Christmas doesn’t come from decorations—it comes from Jesus. In John 8:12, Jesus says, “I a m the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” This statement, so bold and simple, carries the true meaning of Christmas. In Jesus, we fi nd a light that guides, comforts, and sustain s us. Christmas is the celebration of God stepping into our lives, bringing a light that darkness can’t overcome. If you think about it, the world into which Jesus was born wasn’t all that di ff erent from ours. It was a t ime of division, hardship, and uncertainty. People long ed for hope, for a sense of peace and justice. And in the quiet village of Bet hlehem, God gave us that hope—not as a king on a throne, but as a baby, born into humility. This baby would grow up to be someon e who lifted up the poor, who welcomed the outsider, and who stood up for justice. Jesus’ ligh t wasn’t just a comforting glow like my Christmas tree; it was a transformative force. For us today, Christmas is a reminder t hat we’re invited to carry this light into the world . Jesus’ light doesn’t ask us to deny t he darkness or pretend everything is perfect. Instead, it calls us to be people who o ff er compassion, kindn ess, and hope to others. Just as light spreads and dispels darkness, our actions, however small, can bring warmth and brightness to those around us. So as we gathe r this Christmas season in numerous church services, concerts an d in our homes, let’s think about the ways we can
share the light of Christ. Maybe it’s by reaching out to someone who’s struggling, standing up for so meone who’s overlooked, or simply being present with those we love. This Christmas, may we let Jesus’ light fi l l us and inspire us. And may we remember that ev en in the lo ngest, darkest night , the light shines, reminding us that God is with us—Emmanuel.
Last month we heard from the Brownies and, in this issue, you can catch up on news from Pre- school and Rainbows. How gratifying it is to know th ese youngsters are enjoying new learning experiences here at St John’s. Pre- school are havin g a short Nativity in the church on Tuesday morning, 3 rd December at 9.30 am followed by refreshments and a fe w fund-raising stalls. I know they would love to see you there. Eco-church - Many initiatives have been introduced and gradually we are becoming more Eco friendly, so much so that I’m delighted to inform you, St John’s has achieved the Bronze award. Part of our challenge is to provide Fairtrade tea and co ff ee. If our current supplier isn’t to your taste, please let us know so that we can research di ff erent brands. Should you wish to cut down on the number of Christmas cards you send, we ar e reintroducing the Church family Christma s Card . Please see John B t o add your name and give a contribution towards church funds. At our Extra-ordinary Church meeting held on the 3 rd November, members voted unanimously in favou r of Hadleigh URC joining the Ipswich and East pastorate. Please look out for furth er news on this matt er. Our thanks go to Sara Pells and Andrew Walker who have both agreed to stand for another term
V a l V
as Elders. Sadly no other no minations were received to fill two vacancies. Community  Coffee morning Saturday 14 t h December Jill L has kindly offered to raffle a Christmas Hamper and would be grateful for contributions towards this. Proceeds to Church funds. Later in this issue you will fi nd details of our Advent services, but ma y I draw your attention to SUNDAY, 8 th December and our annual Toy Service. Once again, we will support LIGHTHOUSE and, in Room 1, you can fi nd posters of item s they most need. Gift cards in £10 deno minations are extremely useful; these can be from any local store such as Primark, The Works, Argos, B & M, Sports Direct and any supermarket. Following t he Toy service, we are having an ADVENT LUNCH. Please look out for the sign- up sheet, available fro m the beginning of December. I look forward to s eeing as many o f you as possible at our Advent events. I need an abundance of Readers and Advent candle lighters so PLEASE, PLEASE SEE ME if you can help out. A happy and peaceful Chris tmas to you a ll.
ST JOHN'S PLAYTIME PRE- SCHOOL UPDATE FOR JUNIOR CHURCH COUNCIL ANNUA L MEETING: Thursday 10 October 2024 As you are all prob a bly aware, we unfortunat e ly had an 'inadequate' Ofsted rang in No v emb er 2023 . While we believ e much of the rang was unjus fi ed, we nevertheless imp lemented an urgent acon plan and tha nkfully ac hieved a ' good' rang in April. Sadly, this has h ad a huge impact on fi nances as w e were forbidden t o take on new funded children unl o ur ' g ood ' s ta tu s had b e en reinstated. This inevitab ly has had a knock on e ff ect on our inc o me a nd at the
moment we are u nsure if th e pre-school w i ll be ab l e to recover fro m this. On a more posive note, the r e have been no sta ff changes over the l ast year and we are working together closely as a team to work through the se difficult times. As it stands, we have 25 children enrolled with us currently and we are continui n g to advertise in the local commun i ty . We are hoping that more children wi l l join us dur i ng th i s te r m and we have four childre n on the waiting list for Ja nuary . W e continue to pla n our termly activities and provide the best care and learning opportunities fo r the children. We are looking forward to the usua l autumn activit i es and hope to raise money doing our yearly 'welly walk w e ek' at the end of Octobe r. We apolo gise that we are not att ending in person this evening, we have other meetings to attend at the mome nt and fi nding that our time is being stretched and oft en our personal childcare is an issue. Thank you, as always to the Church members who continue to suppo rt us.
2 nd Hamilton Rainbows
The last y ear at our Ra i nbo w gr oup has bee n challenging with Ka y le i gh , our t hen l eader o n ly being a b l e to attend ever y other week and us hav i ng to get other L eaders t o c o v e r the meet i ngs . Our numbers over the year have been about 14 ranging from 4 to 7 years old. The girls are very fond of craft and so a lot of our meetings are spent making things. We spent a few w ee k s learnin g ab o u t Hed g e h o g s , m a k in g a colla ge, de c o rating h ed g e h o g b is cu i t s and fi nding out facts ab o ut the m . The n ew y ear sa w us learnin g t o m a ke u p a danc e t o a p ie ce of mu s ic , m a king f ru i t keb ab s and going back to hedgehogs ma ki ng a hed g eho g ou t o f a n ol d book b y f olding the pages . In February we joined with anoth er Rainbow Unit to spend an exciting evening at PLAYMAN,
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a soft pla y v e n ue a ve ry e x citing evening for the g irls . A s this w a s t o ce l ebra t e our Thi nki ng Da y we had an e v en i n g learnin g abo u t Rai nb o w s i n di ff erent count r ies . For Mothering Sunda y th e girls d ecorate d a ph ot o fr a m e wit h bu ttons and pictur e s for th e i r Mums . Easter saw u s doin g E a s ter car d s an d an E as t e r Egg H u n t. D urin g t he s e months t he gi rl s hav e obta in ed s e v eral Badge s ( the y do lo v e a badge ) b y learn i ng about peop l e w ho In fl uence u s, an d a r e thi n gs really fact or opinions . Learning to be l e ad ers by t each i n g a ll o f u s somethi ng th e y lik e to do . For t he su mm e r t e rm w e l earned all ab o ut B UG S We made spi d er b i sc uits, dec o rated a ladybi rd shape and m ade F i re fl ies. Som e o f th e older Ra i nbows enjoyed a day out at East o n Farm Park with R ain b ows from a ll of Ipsw i ch Ea s t area . Dur in g t he Spr ing t er m K ayleigh told u s t ha t she w ould no t b e ret urning in September and that meant t hat her Mum w ho been help ing w ou l d a ls o l ea v e . We a l s o knew that our L e a d e r in tr a i n i n g, Na tal i e w o ul d al s o be le a ving as she was going t o B i bl e Co llege . W e were c o ncerned that the U n it w o u ld have t o cl os e b u t fortunately a new leader nam e d D illy was foun d an d s he join e d u s in June to ge t t o k no w the gir ls . Our l a s t m ee ting b e fo re the summer was sp e nt on Felixst o we beach c o ll e cting o bjects and having a paddle . Th i s w a s our o p p o rtunit y t o sa y g oo dbye to t h e gir l s g o ing up t o B rownies and t o the L eade rs who w o uld not b e r e turning . An d so a new Chapter b e gins in our Rainbow Unit with D illy as our Lea d er We wish he r well a nd than k h e r fo r com ing t o join us . Gwen G While so far, my time le ading 2nd Hamilton Rainbows h as been brief, it has been a wonderful start with a lovely warm welcome by all, including those o f you from St John s URC. Thank you. Since September we have had a number of new Rainbows join with around 12 Rainbows regularly attending, and we do have space to welcome more Rainbows.
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This week we have a potential new leader com i ng to visit us which would be a wo nderful help to myself in having anoth er quali fi ed leade r able to ensure the sessions still run with the support of our fantastic unit helpe r s on any weeks that I might be unavailable . We are currently en joying a mix of n ature activities , noticing the chan ging seasons and Re fl ect stage one in which we explor e our community, cult ure, beliefs and values - while deepening our understanding o f others ' too . Our last week before half term 24/10/2024 , our session will be t aking place at Gainsborough Community Library where we will explore the library while comple ting the st oryteller badge a nd feeling familiar in t he library space which we will return to i n December for a very festive sleepover . In November we will be taking part i n Parliament Week wh i ch will include having discussions, respecting di ff erences i n opinions and having a vote on a topic to understand that voting allows people to have a say though we might not all agree with the outcome. We will end the term , and 2024 with some festive crafts and activities , and as me ntioned brie fl y above , we will b e celebrating Christmas togethe r , i ncluding with the Brownies b y ha ving a festive sleepover at Gainsborough Community Library . This is very exciting as this will be the fi rst sleepover for all of our Rainbows . We do not yet have plans further for 2025 , though we will be taking part i n Anglia ' s great big Pyjama Party for Thinking Day in February and will continue supporting t h e Rainbows towards earning their Gold Award , having fantast ic adventures and grow i ng in skills and co n fi dence through our activities . Dilly
TREASURERS REPORT You are t hanked for Offerings in October of £1,837 and furthe r donation in November to the Communion Fund of £46 to the Selig Suffolk Charity suppor ting the homele ss.
The November Coffee Morning includi ng the fundraising raised £ 237.95 - well done ! As always, we are extr emely grateful for all your financial support throughout the year. Many thanks Mary A and Richar d W
A Note from Richard Dear Friends , When you are reading this, we will be some 6000 miles away on the beautiful African island of Mauritiu s.
We are stayin g for a few weeks with our daughter and family, who have been living here now for 7 years. It is love ly being able to spend some real time with them, especially our two dear grandchildren, whom we have n' t seen physically for a ye ar !! Temperature here, around the 30 degree mark every day at this time of year. Looks like we have just got the call for a barbecue on t he beach - just 10 minutes down the road - great !!! Seasonal Greetings an d our Best Wishes to y ou All Lyn, Richard, Jacqui, Maarten, Mona and Jef .
Well done to all involved in e nabling St John’s to b e awarded this recognition of our efforts to be an eco - friendly church. John B Editor
Castle Hill URC 18:30 22 December Carols by Candlelight Our Seasonal Singers will again be leading the singing for this service with a mixture of favourite carols, choir songs, readings and reflections. The service is led by Rev David Rees, with Rev Adam Earle providing the music.
5 Jan
Lesley and Brian
Ser vice s at St John’ s The se are at 10: 45 nor mall y
01 D ec
Adve nt Sunda y Wors hip and C ommunio n Led by Rev Da vi d R ee s
08 De c To y Se rvic e L ed by  Re v C an on Da vi d A tk ins
1 5 De c
Ca rol Ser vic e wi th C hoi r
22 D ec
Su nda y Wo rsh ip Led by Rev Ada m Ea rle
24 Dec 23:30
Mi dnight Servi ce Led by P et er Da ws o n
To get in touch and send contributions to Adv ance please use the email: advan ce@stjoh nsurcips wich.or g.uk Please note the deadline for the January Adva nce is 21st Dece mber


for Thought

“If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours!” Dolly Parton (1946 - ), American singer and songwriter
F lo w er Ro t a
01 D ec 08 Dec Mary A and Pau line 15 D ec Mollie and Richard 22 D ec Mauree n and Jen ny
29 Dec
Gwen and Jill L
Ji ll B an d Marg aret B
After Service Coffee Rota
Coffee Rota Names
Diary Dates
Thursday Forum at Christ Church Thursday Lunchtime 1:10-1:50
Rev A da m E ar le
1 st December 16:00 Advent Carol Service Castle Hill 3 rd December at 9.30 am St John’s. Pre-school are having a short Nativity followed b y refreshments and a few fund-raising stalls. SUNDAY, 8 th December annual Toy Service Followed by ADVENT LUN CH Tuesday 17 December 6:30 PM Community Carols outside Castle Hill Church
Dec 5th Living Well with Dementia Deb Blunt and Peter Berry Dec 12th Ipswich Town Football Club What it does for the Community Leanne Smith, Heal th and Wellbeing O ffi cer, ITFC Foundation Dec 19th Christmas Celebrations with Carols and Readings Forum then takes a break for Chri stmas Jan 9th Ipswich is a Heritage Harbour - Ca thy Shelbourne, Ipswich Maritime Trust
01 Dec Lesley C 08 Dec Val V 15 Dec Jill L 22 Dec Pauline & Gwen 29 Dec Molly M 05 Jan Jean H
25 Dec 10:30
Christmas Day service Led by Rev Adam Earle
29 Dec
Hybrid Service prepared by Rev David Rees and led by Sara Pells
05 Jan
Sunday Worship Led by Peter Dawson
Bible C ourse at Felixsto we URC 2 n d Dece mber – 10.3 0 – Exi le & P rophe ts Online via Zoom 19:30 to 21:00 Meeting ID 511 4914646
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