

United Reformed



1 Cowper

Street, Ipswich IP4 5JD

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Photo Marian May


Ministers: Rev Adam Earle and Rev David Rees Office:
E-mail: Web:
Tel:01473 724961 secr etary@stjohnsurcipswich.org.uk www.stjohnsurcipswich.org.uk
Minister’s Letter I a m a huge fan of Michael Flanders a nd Donald Swann, the comedy song writ er s and performers o f the later 1950s a nd 1960s. One of their compositions, The Song of the Weather speaks of t he month of Fe brua ry i n les s t han complimenta ry wo rds , “February’s ice and sleet freeze the t oes right o ff yo ur fe et.” For some, the month i s a bit of a drag. It’s in the gap between Christma s and Easter wit h the ongoing unpredictabil ity of winter weather. It’s a n “almost but not quite” so rt of experience. Some have a very di ff ere nt view - Pati ence Strong suggests, “In February th ere is eve rythin g to h ope for and no thi ng to regret.” Perhaps she is right in that we are just fa r enough into the year for there to stil l be time to ful fi l any resolutio ns we have not already gi ven up o n and for things t o get better but not s o far in that we are already looking back thinking we could have done better. Charmaine J. Forde, says , “Though February is sh ort, it is fi lled wit h lots of love and sweet surprises.” This year, of course, it’s not quite so short with the leap ye ar edition of 29 th but love and sweet surprises ”? Maybe Charmaine has a romantic a nd e ven optimistic expectation of the choc ola te s, gifts and unexpected greetings of Valentin e’s Day. Th e 14 t h F ebr uar y, Valentine ’s Day, is a celebrat ion of love which ha s its o rigins i n the Christian feast day of the mar tyr Sa in t Valentine. Initially its focus was o n sa int ly and divine lo ve bu t in the 1 4 th and 15 t h centuries it beca me a ssocia ted wit h romantic (even courtly) love and i s still embraced as such today.
Perfect love, God’s love, i s of co urs e something that we are invited to know a nd share, not jus t o n one special day but every day; even when things ar e not goi ng wel l o r feeling bright and positive. The bo ok o f Lamentations, att ribut ed to the pr ophet Jeremiah, expresses sorrow a t the destruction of Jerusalem and its temple in 586 BC. Even in the midst o f such disaster, however, we fi nd t hese wo rds, “The steadfas t love of the Lord n eve r ceases, his mercies never come to a n end; they are new every mo rning; gre at is you r faithfulness.” (Lamentations 3: 22-23 NRSVA) Every day, even in the i n-between tim es o r the hugely challenging and alarm ing t ime s, God’s love persists and God remains faithful and present with us. As we proceed through February, int o Lent a nd be yond let’s hold that t rut h i n hear t and m ind. We are loved and equipped to love others through Christ and t he power of t he Holy Spirit within. Revd Adam Earle
TREASU RERS REPORT You are thanked for O ff erings in De cember totalling £1,840.70 and donations t o the Januar y Comm union Fund o f £30.51 for t he Emmaus Su ff olk Charity. As always, many thanks for you r cont inued financial s uppor t. Mary A & Richard W
LENT STUDY COURSE 2024 THE LONG ROAD TO H EAVEN BY TIM H EATON BASED ON TH E FILM “T HE WAY” WHAT’S IT ALL ABOUT? On the pilgrimage ro ad to Santiago de Compostela, we me et To m Avery and a small group of mis fi ts, each broken and looking for meaning in their live s. At the same time, travelling with Jes us on the road t o Jerusalem we meet o n the way people transformed by th e encounter. A wonderful treasure trove of nuggets drawn from a rich heritage o f Christian wisdom th rough t he centuries nourishes us a s we explore t he ma ny facets of salvation. Over fi ve sessions we are challenged t o see salvati on li ved out in the stories o f others and t o re fl e ct how God’s salvation is woven into o ur own lives. Bis ho p John Wraw THE BOOK: It is useful to have your own copy of the s uppo rt course book. T his will h elp in preparing fo r and following up from each o f the sessions with additional notes and guidance as well a s supporting discussion. We are able to o rder t hese with a 10% discount for £7.00. Please indicate o n the sign-up form if you would like a copy. WHEN & WHERE? We will be o ff er in g two session times each week on the Wednesdays during Lent. One will be in the aftern oon a t 2:00pm hosted a t St Jo hn’s URC , Ipswich. Th e afternoon session will be available via Zoom fo r the in-person group meeting a t Le iston United Church. If others would li ke a Zoom dis cussio n group in addition please indicate o n the s ign-up form. We will only o ff er this if there is demand. In the evening a session at 7:00pm will be hosted at Cas tle Hill URC, Ipswich. It is possible t o swap between locations and tim es over the weeks. 14 th FEB Showing of complete film “The Way” 19:00 Castle Hill URC 21 st FEB - Week 1 What are we saved from? Mark 1:9-11 28 th FEB – Wk 2 Wh at ar e we saved for? John 3:1-3 6 th MAR – Wk 3 Who can be saved? John 4:7-10 13 th MAR – Wk 4 What do we have to do to be saved? John 9:24-25, 32-33 20 th MAR – Wk 5 How are we sa ved? John 11:21-27 WANT TO JOIN IN? If you wo uld like to participate, whether in person or online, to help
us plan groups and set up the venues please would you sign up o n the shee t provided a t yo ur local church by Sunday 5 th Februar y . T his will also allow us t o ensure tha t books are or dered and arrive in good time t o be distr ibuted be fore the fi rst session o n 21 st Febr uar y. Lent Study and St John’s (A note fro m Va l V) St John’s is a ver y ca ring a nd friendly church family, but wouldn’t it be go od if we could ext end this into the neighbouring commu nity? I’m not saying taking part in a Lent Study will facilitate this but there could be something we lear n from Dr Avery’s pilgrimage, and the different people and situations he encounters . t hat c ould star t us on a path of Discipleshi p within t he commu nit y. Please let me know if y ou would like tran spo rt. We’ll als o obtain the DVD for home viewing if preferr ed. Please give this some thought and, rest assured, the group is friendly and d oes no t inmidate. The sessions are all in dependent of one an othe r so it doesn’t maer if you miss a week. I look forward to seein g you there! The cel ebration of Beryl’s l ife (18 th July 1937 - 15 th December 2023) to ok place at St John’ s on the 18 th of January
The family of Beryl Abram would like to thank everyone for their cards, m em or ies an d anyone who has helped in any way with the organising of the Thanksgiving Service fo r Beryl's life . Beryl loved being a member of St John's and taking part as she was able. Beryl really enjoyed her last visit in person which included a lunch at the church and seeing all he r friends. It was s ad that due t o mobility issues she was unable t o get to church in person each week. Howev er, she r eally appreciated the services via USB s tick o n her televisio n, especially the jo int Christmas s ervice with Castle Hill which to ok place at St Jo hn's. If anyone would li ke t o make a do nation in Beryl's memory t his would be for St J ohn 's United Reformed Church Cowper Stree t Ipswich. Tha nk you .
How have you been feeling these pa st few days, with very deep frost an d icy pat hs and pavements? Cold, miserable and frighte ned o f the bills to com e!? Fr ost and cold bu t no snow as yet. I found this Eddie Askew ar tic le a s I wa s thinking of current situations: Th e snow cam e. As it snowed, some snow fell along the footpath, white and pure until the feet o f busy people tu rned it bro wn and dirt y. Some snow fell on the roa d whe re it brought peace and si lence, until the ca rs ca me, skidding and s liding. Some sno w fell o n rocky ground, where it remaine d, white and clean, until the s un ca me to melt it awa y. And some fell on the mountains , where it gave pleasure to the skier, and joy to all who saw the beauty.
Hear then the pa rable of the snow. The snow is like t he wo rd of God, e ach flake beautiful and perfect.
The snow o n t he fo otpat h is like t he one who hear s a nd acc epts it with joy. But th e demands o f life and busyne ss destr oy and taint it.
The snow o n t he road is like one who hears, but t he world and its wealt h an d glamour lead them astra y. The sno w o n rocky ground i s the one who hears and accepts but has no sta yin g power. The thaw comes , belie f is swamped, fl ooded, and drowned.
The snow o n the mountains is like t hose who hear and accept . Their belie f becomes a t hing of bea uty an d joy, reaching up t o the heavens, declaring the glor y o f t he Lo rd. Prayer: Alive are th e seasons o f the year. L or d open my eyes that I ma y see you in cre atio n’s power. Ope n m y heart that I may feel t he unblocking o f the arter ies of life to fl ow wit hout constriction, wit h life- giving warmt h a nd belief in Yo u. Ame n Sara Pells
"It may be hard for an egg to turn into a bird: it would be a jolly sight harder for it to learn to fly while remaining an egg. We are like eggs at present. And you cannot go on indefinitely being just an ordinary, decent egg. We must be hatched or go bad." C S Lewis, writer and Anglican lay theologian (1898 – 1963). To get in touch and send contributions to  Advance please use the email: advance@stjohnsurcipswich.org.uk Please note the deadline for the March Advance is 22nd February
After Servic e Coffee Rot a Dat e Coffee Rota Name s
Thursday Forum
at Christ Church Ta cket Street Thursday Lunchtime s Refreshments 12 noon - 1.00 pm Talks  1:10 -1:50 Season  2023/2024 Feb 1 st Ipswich Town Pastor s P aul La ughlin Feb 8 th The Work of t he Papwor th Trus t Pippa Covell Trus t Fundraiser Feb 15 th Ipswich Winter Night Shelter – its transformat ion a nd dev elopment Julia Hancock Charity Manager at the Selig Suffolk Trust Feb 22 nd ‘Does my Vot e count?’ Co uncillor Sa ndy Ma rtin Feb 29 th “ 200 years of t he Ipswich Ins titut e, Reading room and Library” David Stainer, Educat ion O fficer
Import ant Dates 08 Februa ry Elders Meeting
10 Februa ry Community Coffee Morning
15 February Church Meet in g
21 Februa ry Pastoral Group Meeting
Servi ces at St Joh n’s These are at 10:45 normall y 04 Februar y Sunday Worship and C ommunion Led by Rev Adam Earl e
11 Feb
Sunday Worship Led by Willia m Glasse
18 Feb
Sunday Worship Led by Rev D avid Rees
25 Feb
Sunday Worship Led by Peter Dawson
03 March Sunday Worship and Communion Led by An n C ook 10 March Sunday Worship Mothering Sun day Led by Sara Pells
04 Februar y
Maureen and Jenny
11 Februar y
Gwen and Jill L
18 Februar y
Sheila and Jill B
25 Februar y
Greta and Hazel
03 March
Pauline and Jill L
10 March
Dorothy and Colin
Pause for Thought
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