St John’s United Reformed



1 Cowper Street, Ipswich IP4 5JD






Harvest Photo Magda Vrabetz
In the depth of reality, Your grace, Your goodness, Your glory, To see that we dwell in you, That you are in us, That you are with us always. Here you offer us your ki ngdom.
Blessings, David
A note from Val Well, after a very slow start to our summer, th e hot weather certainly did us proud in July and August, and I even managed a couple of swims in the sea! I hope you all had the chance t o fi nd time to sit, relax and recharg e. September is the start of a new academic year. In your prayers, please remember the leaders of our Pre-school as they accept new youngsters and welcome back those already o n the roll. Dilly starts as our new leader of the Rainbow Unit and we will be pleased to have the girls back on our premises, ready to enjoy an exciting programme of activities . Following the service on Sunday 4th August, we enjoyed a celebratory cake prov ided by Tony and Mary Wilson to celebrate their 60th Wedding Anniversar y. Their daughter Helen has sent th is photo to share with us.
We also express our belated Congratulations to Russell and Molly Mowle who recently celebrated their 70 th Wedding Anniversary what an amazing achievement. We send our very best wishes to Rev Adam a nd Gillian Earle who celebrated their 30 t h Wedding Anniversary in August.
Minister’s Letter Seeing through the blindness The healing stories of Jesus in the gospels are full of nuance. On the surface they about a person being physically healed from, say, blindness. But in every case there is also a subtext, something else is going on and the healing doesn’t take place just physically. It is an invitation and there is always a deeper purpose. In the case of blindness and restored sight, there is also spiritua l blindness being exposed in the Pharisees or the o nlooking crowd or sometimes the disciples and, by extension, you and me. The healing of the spiritual blindness is left unresolved long af ter the physical healing has taken place. It leaves us with an o pen question, where are w e blind and how do we recei ve this real, deep and lasting sight . Arguably, its this second s tra nd that is t he point of the healing stories, and we can easily get bogged down in the fl ashy miracle rat her the underlying t heme. In th e case of blindness, whether or n ot we are healed in bo dy, the writers o f the gospels want us to see clearly that God is at work in the world around us and in us. But often we ar e too blind and refuse to see. David Adams in his book, Po werlines, has a poem titled, Vision. It expresses the heartfelt prayer:- O Lord, Extend our vision, Our clearness of sight. Open our eyes to see Beyond the obvious, To perceive that this is your world . You are in it, You invade it, You pervade it, You enfold it, It is immersed in you. Here we encounter y ou, Here we meet you, Here you come to us, Here your presence waits to be r evealed. O Lord, Extend our vision, Our clearness of sight. Open our eyes to see
fund some part of the expensive building works which we are having to face over th e next few years. Our Annual Harvest Gift Day will be on Sunday 29 th September. Currently, o ur Expenditure over th e year in our General Fund will exceed our I ncome and this has been our fi nancial situation over several years - a de fi cit fi gur e by the year end. Income from all the various sources is down and all expenses (as for all of us !) are up. Our GIFT DAY is an opportunity for members and friends to make a donatio n, if they wish a nd are able, to support the running of yo ur Church in the Community. Please Gift Aid“ if you are a taxpayer. Should you have any good fundraising ideas - please speak to us. Many thanks. As always, we are very grat eful f or all continued and genero us financial support. Mary A and Richard W
INVITATION TO CLOSING SERVICE AT TRINITY UNITED REFORMED CHURCH, NORWICH You may already be aware, but it is with great sadness that, in consequence of their reducing and ageing congregation, Trinity United Reformed C hurch in Norwich have taken the difficult de cision to clo se. The final Service, to celebrate the Christian witness at Trinity over the years, will be held at the church at 2.30 pm on Sunday, 22nd September 2024. The service will be followed by light refreshment s. All will be welcome. We do need to say that there is very little parkin g available at, or next to, the church itself. However, on Sundays there is unrestricted parking in th e nearby residential street s. On  behalf of the Elders of Trinity United Reformed Church, Norwich PLAY READING If an y lady would like to try my play reading group, meeting on Wednesday afternoon s, please ring Greta on 01473 725217
What a truly wonderful and generous lega cy o f £25,000 our dear friend, Beryl Abr am, has left in her Will to St John’s URC. With the fi ndings o f the quinquennial survey, this legacy comes to us at a very good time. On Sunday, 29 th September, Peter Dawson leads our HARVEST FESTIVAL. We would like to decorate the church windowsills wit h fl owers, and ask you bring along a bunch of fl o wers we can provide the vase and water!
As in previous years, we request gifts of produce for FIND. Here are some suggestio ns:- Long grain rice   Long-life wh ole milk Toiletries for men, women and children Tinned vegetables, meat , fruit/desserts Co ff ee Sugar Jam   Soup Pet foo d (dog, cat, fish, rabbit/guinea pig) AND FINALLY – A note f or your diary. Our next HYMN SING will take place on SATURDAY, 5TH OCTOBER AT 2.30 pm . This will be followed by afternoon tea we loo k forward to seeing yo u there. Val Treasurers Report You are thanked fo r O ff erings in July of £1,747 , and donations to t he Communion Fund in August of £46 for WaterAid. We have gratefully receiv ed a very generous Legacy from the Will of dear Beryl Abram in the amount of £25,029 to St John’s. This Legacy will initially b e placed in our Designated Legacy Fund . This Fund is separate from our General Fund which is used for the day to day running costs of the Church. The use of monies in the Legacy Fund are not restricted but would normally be used for speci fi c projects and could therefore be used to
Services at St John’s These are at 10:45 normally
01 Sept
Sunday Worship and Communion Led by Allison Smith
08 Sept Sunday Worship Led by Rev David Rees
15 Sept
Sunday Worship Led by Rev Adam Earle
22 Sept
Sunday Worship Led by Rev David Rees
29 September
Harvest Festival/Gift Day Led by Peter Dawson
6 October Sunday Worship Led by Rev Peter Ball
To get in touch and send contributions to Advance please use the email: advance@stjohnsurcipswich.org.uk Please note the deadline for the October Adva nce is 23rd September
Pause for Thought
Diary Dates NE Ipswich Church Services 1st September – 6.30 pm, Rushmere Baptist, The Street, Rushmere Community Coffee Morning Saturday, 14th September – 10.30 am 9th September - 7 pm - Eco Church meeting via Zoom 19th September at 7 pm - Church Meeting 21 st September Ipswich Prayer Breakfast a new start time of 8.30am finishing by 10am Burlington Baptist Church https://ipswichinprayer.co.uk/events 5th October at 2.30 pm - Hymn Sing, followed by afternoon tea. NE Ipswich Churches 6th October at 6.30 pm All Saints Kesgrave.
“There is no better way to thank God for your sight than by giving a helping hand to someone in the dark.” Helen Keller, American author, disability rights advocate , and lecturer (1880-1968)
01 Sept
Jenny C
08 Sept
Audrey W
15 Sept
Mollie H
22 Sept
Marion T
29 Sept Harvest
Gwen G & Pauline G Flowers for Windowsills
Flower Rota
01 Sept
Sheila and Jill B
08 Sept
Maureen and Jenny
15 Sept
Jill L and Pauline
22 Sept
Greta and Hazel
29 Sept
Dorothy and Colin
After Service Coffee Rota
Coffee Rota Names
Juliette has suggested that you migh t like to consider a trip to Helmingham Hall o n Sunday 15 th September. It is the day of the The Plant Heritage Autumn Plant Fair and Artisan Market. The Garden Zone will feature nurse ries from near and far. Also 80 0 plants will be given away free. The entry to the gardens is £10 on the day but that includes th e gardens of Helmingham Hall, live entertainment, music, children’s entertainment and local food and drink to try. Children 15 and under are free!
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