Business Essentia

ls | $499

The ultimate business pack to get started or refresh your look and keep ahe ad of competition. Stay fresh, bui ld awareness. Busines s proposal template Let terhead template  Busines s ca rd template Presentation template with fi ve essential slides Delivered in 5 business days  1 revision cycle

Brand | $299

We all know how important it is to be unique and stand out from your competition. If you are struggling with a out-dated brand t hat is not performing, this is the choice for you. Broaden your reach and generate more business.
Brand guide Brand colors including HEX and RGB v alues  Lo goty pe including regular and inver ted versions Typ ogr aphy s e l ec t e d f r o m r e a d ily avail abl e f o n ts Xara Cloud account conf iguration Delivered in 6 business days  1 revision cycle

Marketing | $699

Are you looking for a more sop histic ated way to promote your product s or services? We’ll get you started with a stunning set of templates designed to help you reach a bigger audience and win more customers.
Fl yer template (two pages )  Brochure (fou r pages)  Product sheet (one page) Delivered in 6 business days  1 revision cycle

Get in touch with us | xara.com/design-services

Social Media | $99

Social media marketing is a no-br a ine r. Bui ld your audience, tell your story and generate conversations around your brand. Whether you’re looking for banners or templates, this is the pack you need to get going. Four templates of your choice from Fac ebook, Instag ram, LinkedIn, Twitt er and more. Delivered in 2 business days  1 revision cycle