R evd Adam E arle Connect number eigh t! Although i t is, nominally, the Au tum n Edition w e still have a few more days of Summer t o enjoy. Officially Autumn does not beg in, i n the U K, until 13:43 on Sunda y 22 nd Sept ember . S o mak e the mos t of these ne xt f ew weeks t o fir e u p the barbeques, an d dr ag out the su n lounger s. Autumn c an b e such a beautiful time o f year as the lea v es turn thr ou gh a m yriad o f c olour s bef or e f alling t o the ground as the trees take their Winter time out. Some o f the trees seem t o have started early this year. O n a r ecen t visit t o London it w as a jo y t o wat ch someone pla ying and jumping thr ough a pile of lea v es. Enjo ying the simple things o f lif e does u s g ood. I hop e tha t you h a v e all e xperienced the fun of a leaf pile (ev en i f i t did annoy whoever ha d swept t hem together) o r perhaps donning y our wellies and splashing thr ough pud dles I’m sure ther e will b e plenty of them o n off er i n the c oming w eeks! In this edition w e ha ve the usual r ound u p o f news fr om the churches, news f or the Pastorate as a whole, and updates from other places. W e also ha v e an “Ec o -Chur ch” Section focussed o n the the me of our upcoming “Caring f or Cr eation” services i n October . I ho pe you enjoy the r ead.
NEWS FR OM THE CHURCHE S LEIS T ON UNITED CHURCH The Summer peri od has been r elativ ely quiet in t erm s o f unusual o r not able even ts which is perhaps not surprising. W e have, sadly , said goodbye t o a couple of folk from our number who passed away in recent weeks. However, w e ha ve been pleased t o welc ome a number of visitor s and new faces whom w e hope t o see ag ain. Whils t nothing ou t o f the or dinary ma y ha v e happened, the weekly and regular even ts including the Community Coff ee and Leiston F ood Bank ha ve c on tinued t o k eep u s on ou r toes. A n ongoing thankyou t o Marion, David, Josh, Helen and Brigit a s well as others, who help t o maintain these important elements of Leis ton lif e. W e c on tinue t o w ork alongside Pr oject 4Sev en and the Leis ton P antry , sha ring produce as n eeded. Main tenance and development o f t he building t o be t t er suppor t the work and mission of the chur ch c on tinues t o provide us with plen ty to do. In June, f ollowing the
decision of the church meeting, w e fix ed the main screen w e use f or Sunda y W or ship i n the church i n a permanent position. I t is now mounted i n the pulpit, along wit h the s oun d bar and ne w cables t o enab le it t o b e ope rat ed from one side of the chur ch or b y the per son leading wor ship. The r aised position of the scree n also means that, when and i f w e wish, especially f or events such a s funer als, w eddings etc. w e c an s t and t o sing without blocki ng the view o f those be hind. Fixing the scr een i n the church mean t tha t i t w as n o longer a vailable t o use i n the hall (where w e worship in the Win ter mon ths) so w e ar e gr a t eful t o St John’ s UR C (Ip swich) wh o sold on t o u s a screen which they had acquired but f ound t o b e too lar g e f o r the purpose f or which i t was obt ained. This is no w mounted on the wall o f the hall o n a brack et arm and equipped with a new sound bar . With the tw o scr eens i n place w e n o long er ha v e t o wheel a scr een fr om r oom t o r oom which was not en tirely s tr aigh tf orw ard due t o the width of doorw a y s, th e weigh t o f the unit and the slight uphill slope from the lobby t o the chur ch wor ship area. W e have also relocated a whiteboard/d isp lay board which f ormerly occupied the space on the hall w all now t ak en b y the scr een, t o the entr ance lobby where it now serves a s a w elc ome boar d with space f or announcements and pos ter s. Beneath this w e also hav e holders t o pr esen t our chu r ch and this pas t or at e mag azine as well as other flier s and inf ormation. W e ha v e som e work t o the e xt erior w ind o w sills o f the hall t o c omple t e an d h a v e a plan t o clear unused items and furnitur e fr om the v es try t o mak e this a gr ound floor of fice,
small meeting room and a base f or the Leis t on T own P as t or s a v oiding the need t o climb the s tair s to the upper floor . W e will also b e fr eeing u p some mor e space i n the s t or e r oom t o house the s tock f or the f oodbank. R evd Adam is curr en tly working t o cr eat e floor plans for both floors which has involved a gr ea t deal o f measurin g. W e will b e dr awing u p some plans (with priorities) f or c on tinuing work t o impr ove and dev elop the building f or missional and community purposes including better accessibility . E arlier i n the Y ear w e enjo y ed a mini concert and afternoo n tea a t Saxmundham URC, with music and song provide d by R evd Adam and Gillian. W e ar e planning a further event t o r aise money f or Leis t on Unit ed Chur ch. This will b e held on Saturday 19 th October beginning a t 14:00 . The mini-concert, entitled Autumn Da y s” , pr esen ted b y Adam and Gillian will b e f ollow ed by Aft e rno on T ea i n the hall. W e would b e deligh t ed t o w elcome friends fr om the other churches i n the pastorate as well as the surrounding com mun ity . LEI S T ON CH RIS T I A NS T OGET HE R


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SUN D A Y 8 t h SEP TEMBER 15:00 @ St Mar g ar et’ s Chur ch Chur ch R oad, L eis t on IP16 4HG The service will be, weather permitting, held out door s an d b e f ollo w ed b y a Bring -a nd- Shar e t e a.
S AXMUNDHAM URC Our mos t not able ev en t ov er the Summer months, in partnership with other loc al chur ches i n Saxm und ham and Leis t on, w as the Psalm -a- thon on Saturday 18 th June. The even t w as held in Church Squar e, next t o Leiston United Church. As mentioned i n the las t edition of Connect, w e set ou t t o r aise mo ney in su pport o f the Bible Society . W e wer e blessed b y a w arm and sunn y da y and a range o f psa lms , especially o f the Praise v arie ty , w er e select ed and r ead. These wer e arr anged i n sets with diff er en t v olun t eer s r eading. The r eadings wer e in tersper sed with music played and sung b y Du ncan, o r b y R e vd Adam an d Gillian. W e ar e deligh t ed t o announce that ov er £200 w as r aised t o support the work o f the Bible Society . Our monthly Start the Week with a Cuppa c on tinues t o work well and w e hav e been pleased t o welcome sev er al visit or s and new f aces t o these ev en ts. Y ou ar e alw a ys w elc ome t o join us. Da t es f or meetings ov er the ne xt f ew months ar e Monda y 23 r d Sept ember , Monda y 28 th October and Monda y 25 th Nov ember . W e meet fr om 10:00am until a bout 11:30am bu t w e often ar e still sit ting and enjoying good c ompan y when the clock strik es midday . Our Film after noon on Sa tur d a y 15 th June w en t well. W e enjoy ed the film (we ar e allow ed to t ell y ou after the f act!) “W onk a” , released i n 2023, s t arring Timothée Chalamet as a y ou ng Willy W onk a (of Charlie and the Chocolate F actory f ame). I t tells the s tory o f his early adven tur es and how his r eputation a s a world-f amous chocolatier was est ablished.
During the film w e shared a box o f chocolates although, it did seem that they always ended up i n Adam’ s hands! F ollowing the film w e enjo y ed a delicious t ea of sausage rolls, cheese str aws and a selection o f cak es. Our ne xt Film Afternoon will tak e place o n Sa turda y 28 th Sept ember a t 14:00 . As be f or e, du e t o lice nsing rule s, w e cannot adv ertise the title o f the film via an y public media bu t, suf fice t o sa y it i s a c omic al, spirit ed adven tur e, set during the sec ond world war , with a distinctly Scot tish fla vour . There will b e popcorn t o nibble during the film. Aft erw ar ds w e will b e sharing some Sc ot tish t eatime tr ea ts which will almost certa inly include shortbrea d. A t the time o f writing ther e ar e only 120 da ys till Chris tmas! This year, a s a change t o our usual “pre- Chris tmas” sale and coff ee morning, w e are planning t o hold an early Christma s lunch and activity even t i n lat e Nov ember o r early December . This will include a r oas t d inn er , desse rts, ga mes, music a nd other surprises . W e will cir cula t e further details near er the time and would welcome folk from across the pas tor at e t o join us. S AXMUNDHAM & LEIST ON L OCAL P ARTNERSHIP NEWS W e would very much value your prayers over the next few weeks and months as Saxmundha m UR C and Leis ton Unit ed Church pr a y erfully dev elop our partnership, including dr awing u p a f ormal agreement. Ther e i s s till work t o d o and plans t o set i n place which the elde rs and membe rs of the two churches will b e pur suing, with support fr om the Synod Officer s and Methodist Circuit representatives over the coming days.
We ha ve managed to pack a gr eat deal in t o the time s inc e the las t edition of Connect. There alw a ys seems t o b e something engaging to look forward to. Here are just a f ew edited highligh ts.
O n Satur day 6 th July w e held our Annual Charities Barbeque , the pr oceeds fr om which ar e shar ed between th e charities select ed b y the Chur ch Meeting f o r th e y ear . This y ear , these include Sound O n (pr oviders of r ecor ded spok en loc al news i n the f orm a fr ee audio ne wspaper f or those wi th sigh t impairment), Riding f or the Disabled and F .I.N.D . (F amilies in Need). The weather look ed as though w e would b e washed out bu t shortly before guests started t o arrive the clouds parted and w e wer e blessed with suns hi ne. W e ha d a w onderfu l e v enin g o f f ello w ship. Thank s to e ve r y one who o rg ani ze d , h o s t ed and particip a t ed in the e v e n t . O n Sunda y 14 th July w e held another of our Café Style Services , which was led b y R evd Adam. Th e the me was “Meas u ring Up” and w e refle cted on ho w w ell we m easu re d u p t o God ’s standa rds, co ncl ude d t hat w e did n’ t a nd t he n r ejoic e d in the fa ct t hat , d e s p i te thi s , because o f God ’s grace, rev eale d i n C hri st Jes us, w e a re forg i ven a nd re store d t o Hi m. Caf é s tyle w or ship ma y not be ev ery one’ s cup of tea but those who come along enjoy it
and find it helpful. Ther e wer e snack s and refr eshments t o enjoy thr oughout, a quiz, conversation and reflection. O n this occasion w e were delighted, also, t o have five children who got in volved i n some pr actic al challenges and creative activities all linked t o the the me.
I n the last editi on o f Connect w e me ntioned ou r dev eloping work i n support o f Castle Hill Prima ry School , which i s situat ed opposite the chur ch. O n T uesd a y 16 th July w e h eld a Cof f ee Morning t o r aise funds tow ards a r ang e of books tha t the chur ch w ould lik e t o purchase f or the school i n support of their learning i n R E a nd ot her s ubje cts . W e s t art ed a t the ea rlier time of 8:30 in t he hope that some of the par ents migh t call in aft er dropping of f their childr en f or school. Although w e wer e not ov erw helmed with visitor s, those who c ame alon g enjo y ed fr eshly-br ewed coff ee and a selection o f c ak es, doughnuts and snacks. Thanks t o the gener osity o f those who c ame along and others who contributed, w e raised over £130 on the da y ; a gr ea t s t ep t ow ar ds the r esources needed. O n the first T uesda y o f each month, fr om 10:00am t o 12:00pm w e ha ve Coff ee, Cake and Chat. W e welcome a number of f olk fr om the chur ch f amily and wider community , and there is alw a ys a
tempting r ange of homemade cak es to enjoy alongside cof f ee, tea and cold drinks. O n the other T uesday s w e ha v e “W arm W elcome” , also fr om 10:00am t o 12:0 0n oon. This i s a n opportunity f or c off ee and cha t, enjoy ed b y both r egular a t tendees and visitor s. We ha v e t ak en a br eak fr om this during August but will resume in September . W e hope t o develop this further ov er the coming months including some early start s t o eng age with par en ts and other s dr opping off childr en a t the school. All ar e welcome t o join us. O n J uly 23 rd and 24 t h w e held our Holiday a t Home . W e w er e deligh t ed t o welcome a goodly number of f olk and ar e gr a t e fu l t o the t eam o f helper s and or g aniser s wh o help mak e the event s uch a success. Ther e w as plen ty t o k eep u s occupied and entert ained. Our theme w as 1950s USA. Acti vities include d armchair aerobi cs, art a nd cr aft cr eations, pla y ing g ames (including bingo and an in triguing g ame with ping pong balls and sc allop shells), entertainmen t an d music, i ncluding organ music a nd a 1950s sing-a-long and w e all enjoyed good food and r efr eshments. Check out these pictur es t o get a fla vour of wha t w e g o u p to:
E arlier i n the y ear , than k s t o the e ff orts an d enthusiasm o f K atie and other s, a new ventur e in the f orm o f a (usually) mon thly T able T op Sale w as est ablished. This has proved a great success with a range o f sellers off ering a wide variety of things including pre-lov ed items, cr afts and other products.
The number of f olk c om ing along - both cus t omers and seller s - ha v e been encour aging. E ach seller c on tributes a set amount f or the table which, along with t akings f or r efr eshments , goes t ow ar ds church mi ssi on activ i ties an d funds . The ne xt T able T op Sale will b e o n Saturda y 14 th September fr om 14:0 0 t o 16:00 . As this coincides with the Su ff olk His toric Churches Ride and Stride, money r aised from table bookings and r efr eshmen ts will b e donated t o this w orth y c ause. Subsequen t dat es will b e Saturda y 19 th October and Sa turda y 23 r d November . Please d o c ome along an d e xplor e the many things o n off er . The Summer period, when man y o f our building user gr oup s t ak e a br eak, i s a use ful time t o complete necessary main tenance and sp ecific lar g er pr ojects. Soon aft er the last editi o n of Connect w e ha d a new Wheelchair lift installed in the vestibule. The pr evious lift had served u s well but w as beginning t o show signs o f wear . I t was also designed really t o only accommodate manual wheelchair s.
Man y of the modern chair s, with p ow erfu l motor s and b a t t eries would ha v e been t oo heavy f or it. The ne w lar ger and mor e modern lift c an man ag e a gr ea t er mass and so man y of our friends, accessing the building is much easier. During August w e have been able t o proceed with the replacement of the windows around the to p of the Sports Hall. The ne w windows will help reduce our carbon footprint, making i t easier and more efficient t o heat the spa ce during the win ter mon ths. The hall and adjacent common room will b e back i n action r eady f or the new t erm o f gr oups an d activit ies. The Castle Hill Amateur Performers (CHAPS) are curren tly i n r ehear sal f or their annual pantomime i n aid o f Suff olk Mind . This year they are presenting “The Little Mermaid” .
Perf ormances will tak e place during the Autumn half term week fr om 31st October t o 2 nd November . Tic k ets can be purc has e f ro m Ev e n tbrit e online. The r e i s a link o n the C a s t l e Hil l Chu rc h F aceboo k page or y o u c a n s c a n thi s Q R c o d e wit h y o u r smartphon e t o visit the s i t e .
ST JOHN’S URC I n previous e diti ons of Connect w e ha v e mentioned v arious damages c aused to the church g arden and building b y r oad accidents on Spring R oad. The mo s t r ecent even t, which happened befor e Christmas 2023, caused significant damage t o th e fr on t c orner o f the chur ch, shifting and cr acking brickwork an d rendering the fire escape unsafe and needing replacement. The work has now been carried out so things are again as they should be . Ther e w as some concern about the con tinuation o f ou r (2 nd Hamilt on) Rainbow Gr oup f or girls ag ed 4 -6, as the pr evious leader s t epped down. W e a re glad to re por t t hat a new leade r has co me for wa rd an d t he grou p wil l b e abl e to resume in September . Th e Rainbows an d Brow ni es a re a v aluabl e pa r t o f the co m m un ity wo r k sup por te d b y t h e c h u rc h . The Summer month s ha v e been mark ed b y a nu mber o f s pecia l W edding Anniv ersary celebr ations. Russell and Molly Mowle recently celebr ated the ir 70 th (Platinum) Anniver sary . O n 4 th Augus t, f ollowing our morning service, w e wer e pleased t o shar e cak e pr ovided b y T on y and Mary Wilson who were celebr ating their 60 th (Diamond) W edding Anniversary . W e also learned tha t R evd Adam and Gillian E arle celebr at ed their 30 th (P earl) Anniv er sary o n 20 th August. Congr atulations t o all these ha ppy couple s. Ov er r ecen t mon ths w e ha v e had t o sa y f ar ewell t o a number o f long-st anding member s and friends of the chur ch. W e
thank Go d f or all tha t they added t o our church lif e, f or the lives they liv ed and the lov e they shar ed. The mont hly Community Coff ee con tinues t o b e a popular feature of ou r church lif e and mission. This i s held on the second Satur da y of each mon th fr om 10:30am . As well as t ea and coffee, there is usually a selection o f cake and bacon rolls o n off er . Dat es f or the ne xt f ew mon ths ar e Satur da y 14 th Sept ember , Satur da y 12 th Oct ober and Sa tur da y 9 th November . Do f eel fr ee t o join u s and shar e a time of f ellowship. W e alw a ys enjoy a good “Hymn Sing a t S t John’ s and w e aim to hold special opport unities for this a couple o f times a y ear . Un f ortuna t ely , du e t o the pr essur es o f lif e w e had t o call off our las t even t. How ever , w e ar e pleased t o announce that w e ha ve a Hymn Sing scheduled f or Saturda y 5 t h October (Ipswich T o wn ar e pla ying a w a y o n tha t da y!) I t will begin a t 14:3 0 and will b e f ollow ed b y a ft ernoon t ea. The music will b e provided b y R evd Adam (liv e!), R evd Da vid will MC the ev en t and v arious member s o f the congr eg ation will shar e r eadings and r eflections. Do please f eel free t o join us as w e raise our voices and enjoy a jolly go od si ng. As with other churches in the pas tor a t e, w e serve our community along side a number o f other denomina tions. I t is alw a y s an encour ag emen t t o meet t og ether with f olk from the se other churches and t o share in w or ship i n dif f er en t set tings. Ov er the pas t f ew mon ths, w e ha ve been dev eloping links with the North and East Ipswich Chur ches .
A few folk from St John’s have been joining in the unit ed services . These ar e usually held on the fir s t Sunda y evening of the mon th a t 18:30. The y ar e hos ted and led b y dif f er en t churches ea ch month and worship is i n the style of the host church. Why not come along and join with our fellow Christians in t he ar ea? The next three services will b e as f ollo w s: SUND A Y 1 st SEPTEMBER 18:30 @ Rushmere Baptist Chur ch 110 The Street, Rush mere IP5 1DF SUNDA Y 5 th OCT OBER 18:30 @ All Saints Church K esgr a ve Main R oad, K esgr ave IP5 1AA SUND A Y 3 rd NOVEMBER 18:30 @ Salv ation Arm y – Ipswich Citadel 558 W oodbridge Road, Ipswich IP4 4PH W e hope tha t w e will b e able t o hos t one of these unite d service s i n t he new year an d look f orward t o welcoming f olk t o S t John’ s. FELIXS T O WE UR C W e ar e sur e that all the chur ches i n the p as t or a te (and probably wide r afiel d) will ag ree that our buildings ar e both a blessing and a challeng e. W e ha v e had a num ber o f i ssu es t o contend with including plaster falling from the c eiling of the t oile t b y the m ain en tr ance porch, a f ailed w ash basin and the need t o maintain ar eas of the building, such as the r oof , identified i n our recent quinquennial r eport. I t has been a challeng e t o find f olk willing ev en t o mak e a sit e visit o r give a quot a tion f or w ork requir ed. How ev er , w e ar e a t last making some progr ess and ar e gr a t eful t o Brian and his colleagues who ar e working to mov e things f orw ard. I n the las t
c ouple of w eeks, w e ha v e also been able t o ha ve the wooden floor i n the main hall stripped, smoothed and r efinished all r eady f or a f ew more year s of use. A r elatively r ecen t addition t o our lis t o f user groups is Slimming W orld which meets every Saturday morning fr om 8:00am t o 10:00am throughout the y ear . Th e loc al c oor dina t or i s K a t e and the gr oup is pr oving popular with man y f olk seeking t o improve health through supported lif estyle changes and weight loss. As y ou will know , the churches acr oss the pas t or a t e ha v e been working on the A R ocha Ec o Chur ch pr ojects. The pastor at e and other loc al gr oups, including F elixs tow e Methodis t Chur ch, ha v e been helpful i n enabling one another t o mak e progr ess and c ommitments t ow ar ds E co Church and Caring for Creation goals. Felixstowe URC are deligh t ed t o announce that w e hav e success fully completed the Bronz e Awar d and look f orward t o con tinuing our journey t ow ards Silv er a s w ell as sharing and supporting the other church es i n their pr ojects an d activities. As part of a loc al Felixs tow e pr oject, w e ar e also pleased to shar e tha t w e hav e now been ab le t o in s t all a nu mber o f Swift Box es, joining our fri end s a t Leiston Unit ed Chur ch i n making such pr ovision. Lik e Leiston w e also have a swift call device which seeks t o at tr act the bir ds t o mak e use o f the boxes. W e will b e keeping an eye out for any residents of the bo x es.
Frida y 23 r d Au gus t was a special da y a t Felixstowe UR C as w e shar ed i n the weddi ng of Donna and Gary . I t w as a joyful occasion with a real sense o f enthusiasm and love. There were over a hundred friends and f amily member s in a t tendance. Man y congr atulations t o Donna and Gary and pr ay for God’s ongoing blessing on their marriage. O n Satur da y 7 th Sept ember , F elixs t owe UR C will b e participating i n t he t own’ s Herit age Open Da ys b y w elcoming visitor s t o the church building. W e will open ou r d oor s a t 10:00 a m . Th er e wi ll b e a self - guided “tour with points o f interest identified. A display and reflection space will b e made available, focusse d o n the the me of Psalm 2 3 and a “Sheep-Hunt” f or younger visitor s. R efr eshments will b e served i n the church and every hour, o n the half hour Revd Adam will b e playing the organ for around 15 minutes. I f you f ancy a da y b y the sea wh y not pop down to Felixstowe, there’s plenty t o see and d o and you can call in a t the ch urch . Aut umn i s also t he season o f Re me mbe ring. O n Sunda y 27 th October a t 14:3 0 w e will b e holding our annual service o f Reme mberi ng f or lov ed ones who ar e n o longer with us. This will b e our only ser vice o n that particular Sunda y and R evd David will lead u s i n a time of thanksgiving, reflection and worship. Afterwards w e will share tea i n the small hall. All ar e w elc ome t o join us.
P AS T ORA TE & S YNOD NEWS Thank y ou t o everyone wh o ca me and joine d the Celebr ation W orship and Aft ernoon T ea for the South Suff olk Area P artner ship which was held o n 7 th July a t Hadleigh URC. There was a goodly number in a t tendance. W or ship w as led b y ou r moder a tor R evd L ythan Ne v ard and the theme was “Change, T r ansition and T r ansf ormation” a s w e all look ahead with hope and anticipation f or God’ s work i n the futur e. L ythan r eflected on the e x amples of a number o f f olk i n the Bible including the pr ophet Elijah who although consider ed a gr eat man also s truggled with change an d needed God’ s challenge and encour agement t o proceed. There was a hearty tea available i n the hall after t he service . As part o f the dev elopmen ts i n E as tern S ynod w e ar e w orking tow ards the es t ablishmen t o f Mission P artnerships . I n   futur e , minis t ers ma y b e c alled t o serve these r ather than individual churches o r pas tor at es, with appr opriat e agr eemen t reg ar ding their role and e xpectations. A t pr ese nt t he Ipswi c h an d Ea st URC P art ner shi p (t hat ’s us) have been asked to b e pa r t o f a m issio n p a r t n e rs h i p whi c h w i l l a ls o inc l u de C hr i st C hurch LE P ( U R C/Ba pt i st ) , Tacket Stre et in Ipswi ch, wh o c urre n tly have a Ba pt i st M i ni ste r Revd Ne i l C o u lson , Fra ml i ng ha m F re e C hurc h ( LEP ) wh o a re un de r the pa stora l ca re of the l oca l Methodi st C ircuit Revd Sau l Tadsaus he . Hadle igh URC are also t o b e p art of this p art ne rs hi p and w e will b e wo r k i ng with t h e m to co nsid e r h ow o u r p art ne rs hi p w i t h a n d s u p por t of t hem may b e dev elo ped over the coming mont hs. Pleas e joi n u s a s w e praye rfull y wor k toget he r to e st ablish wor k i ng for t h e f ut ure .
W e ha v e h ear d , a t v arious meeti ngs an d discussion t hat our Met hodist Friends in the Ipswich Cir cui t ar e f ac ing some cha llenging times r eg ar ding deploymen t of minis ter s. R ev d Der ek Grimshaw , circuit Superin t end en t Minister , has now moved to lead a new area. With the mov ement of Ab e, the minis t er pr eviously a t F elixs tow e, it look ed as t hou gh ther e migh t b e only two minis ter s serving 20+ churches i n the cir cuit. So w e ar e pleased to shar e the news tha t Revd Steve Mann will b e taking o n the role o f acting Superin tendent. A t 19:0 0 on Monda y 2 n d Sept ember , a t Br am f or d R oad Methodist Church, there will b e a service o f Welcome t o acknowledge this new r ole f or St ev e and t o w elc ome t o other minis t er s in to the t eam, including R evd St ev e Oliv er wh o has r ecently moved t o the ar ea and R evd P aulson Devasaha y am who i s now recogniz ed and reg ar ded b y the Methodist Chur ch ha ving pr eviously served in the Chur ch o f South India. W e of f er a w arm welcome t o them all and pr ay that their ministry will be fruitful. I t has now bee n over tw o y ear s sinc e R e vd Adam w as ordained and joined R evd David in team minist ry serving t he churches of the p as t or a t e. Las t y ear ( 2023) w e dr e w up our Pastorate Agreement and decided, for a season, on the role of Primary Con tact Minister (PCM) for each of the churches. W e also agr eed that PC M alloc a tion w ould b e changed t o allow each of the minister s t o bring their particular skills and s tyles t o bear as w e w ork t og ether t o enable each church t o flo uri sh. From Janua ry 2025 Davi d and Ada m will b e swapping” PC M roles with David serving as PC M f or Leis ton, Saxmundham and
F elixstowe and Adam serving f or Cas tle Hill and St. Johns. The PCM (f or w an t of a bett er title) i s the fir s t poin t of min is t erial con tact for pastor al matters and day t o day oversight of the churches. They also prepare and chair elder s’ and chur ch meetings an d participat e i n other meetings as app r opria t e an d necessary . Both minister s con tinue t o b e the minis t ers of all the churches and will con tinue t o pr ovide ministry and lead w or ship i n line with ou r pas tor a t e pr eachin g plan. I n 1973 , a small gr oup o f chur ch- lo v er s r ealised tha t, i f Su ff o lk’ s his toric chur ches and chapels wer e t o survive f or the futur e with incr easingly small congr eg ations, they needed financial help. The T rust is non - denominational a nd all churches, chapels and meeting houses, of an y age, ar e eligible t o apply f or gr an ts t o help fund r epair s t o their building or t o make improvements such as disabled access, toilets a nd kitche ns, enabling the building ca n b e used for community an d fundr aising even ts. I n fifty y ear s, supporter s ha ve r aised the equivalent o f around £10 million in toda y’ s money , from the member ship f ees of its ‘Friends’ or g anisation, fr om donations, gr ants, leg acies, and, in particular , from the annual Suff olk Chur ches Ride and Stride sponsored even t an d, mor e r ecen tly , the P edal and Drive Vintage and Classic Car r ally . Each year the T rust helps between 40 and 50 places o f worship of all de nominations and ages, also advising churches o n other sources of grant aid. The Trust awards grants, of up t o £20,000 , f or chur ches o r chapels that mus t b e i n r egular use as a place of wor ship, open or easily accessible t o the public, an d the rest of the money nee ded can b e raised.





Living in, or surrounded b y rural c omm unities and set tings mak es celebr ating the Harves t F es tiv al seem all the mor e special. W e all ha ve r eason t o give thanks f or the man y blessings w e r eceive fr om God and, i n s o doing , seek t o hel p others . All o f our chur ches will b e celebr ating the season ov er during September and October and g a thering gifts t o shar e, in v arious way s, with those who have need of them. Here are details of the opportunities t o celebr at e the Harves t acr oss the pas tor at e:

Castle Hill URC (Ips


10:30 Harvest F estiv al W or ship Led by R evd David R ees Our annual Harvest Lunch also tak es place on this day – con tact the chur ch f or details.

St John’s URC (Ipswich


10:45 Harvest F estiv al W or ship Led by Mr P et er Da wson



10:30 Harvest F estiv al W or ship Led by R evd Adam Earle


dham URC

10:45 Harvest Pr aise (United Service) Led by the Elders’ and Congreg ation with our friends from Leiston United Chur ch

Leiston United Church

10:30 Harvest F estiv al Communion Led by R evd David R ees with our frie nds from Saxmundham URC HYMNWRITER: ISAAC W A TTS 17 th July 1674 25 th Nove mber 1748 Isaac W a t ts w as an d English Congreg ational minis t er , h ymn writer , theol ogian and logi ci a n (y ou ma y ha v e t o look tha t on e up!). He w as a pr olific writer and is cr edited with some 750 h ymns. This year marks the 350 th anni versar y of his birth. The United R eformed Church h ymn book, R ejoice and Sing includes thirty-eight o f his works. That’ s about 5 % o f the conten t. These in clude the f ollowing well-loved gems: 94 Give to our God immort al pr aise 13 5 Joy to the w orld, the Lor d is come! 21 7 When I survey the wondrous cr oss 26 9 Jesus shall r eign wher e-er the sun 38 2 Come, let us join our chee rful song 70 5 Our God, our help in ages past Isaac W at ts’ chair , i n which h e sa t t o pen man y o f these f amo us wor ds, is k ept o n the Senatus (T eaching Staff) meeting r oom a t W estmins t er College i n Cambridge one o f the three URC tr aining colleges f or minister s. I t i s rumour ed tha t a t leas t on e of ou r minis t ers ma y actually ha ve sa t in it!
E C O CHUR CH CARING FOR CRE A TION During the October R evd Adam and R ev d Da vid will b e leading special “Caring f or Cr eation” worship services i n each of the churches. Our theme will b e “W ear and Car e” and w e will f ocus o n some o f the ecologic al issues that surround clothes and their production. W e will reflect o n what the Bible has t o say about clothe s and conside r some of the ways that w e might d o our bit (or con tinue t o d o our bit) b y the decisions w e mak e and the actions w e tak e wher e clothes ar e concerned. The services will be as follows: SUND A Y 13 th OCT OBER 10:30 @ Castle Hill URC Led by R evd David 10:45 @ St John’ s URC Led by Revd Adam SUND A Y 20 th OCT OBER 10:30 @ F elixstowe URC Led by R evd Adam (Joint service with F elixstowe Methodists) 14:00 @ Leiston United Led by R evd Adam (Joint ser vice with Saxmundha m URC)



WHAT WE WEA R MA TTERS Clothing i s essen tial both in terms of wellbeing and dignity and people all over the w orld need clothes. How ev er , clothes can cause significant en vironmental issues, some of which are fuelled b y a desir e f or cheap clothing and “f ast f ashion” .
Ma t erials Over 60% of our clothes ar e made fr om manuf actur ed plastic fibr es with 63% o f the mat erials used f or clothing being “vir gin plas tic” i.e. new ly made f or the purpose and only 3% re cyc led f abrics. Plastics in clot hing are a problem because: E very time w e wash it ems made o f mat erials such as poly es ter , they r elease plas tic micr o-fibr e plas tics in to the w ater . These ar e too small t o b e filter ed out by s t andard w as t e wat er tr eatmen t plan ts s o they ma y end u p i n riv er s, seas and, ultimat ely i n our w at er supplies , c ausing hazards t o human and anima l hea lth. Acc or ding t o Science Dir ect, an es tima t e 700,000 fibr es could b e r elease b y a n aver age 6kg load of acrylic f abric. These mat erials d o not bio -degr ade, they don’t br eak down over time. E ven tually they end up in la nd-fill an d the pl asti c wil l remain present f or hundreds of y ear s. The plastic i n our clothes i s de pende nt on petr oleum. Syn thetic fibr es are dependen t o n petr oleum-based chemicals which ar e, of cour se, obtained fr om non -r enewable f ossils fuels. The pr ocess of extr action and use has a significant en vir onmental impact. W a t er & Chemicals I t i s good t o select products made from natural fibres but w e should also b e aware that the production pr ocesses o f some f abrics ma y also b e having a significant impact on the environment. A significant percentage
  
of cotton fabric produced, often very cheaply and without r eg ard f or en vir onment al impact, has a neg ativ e e f f ect. Pr oblems include the huge amoun ts o f wat er needed (the c ot ton t o pr oduce a single pair o f jeans requires 1800 gallons and a shirt requires 400 gallons) Harsh chemicals such a s blea ches, which are used i n the production of clothing , including some natur al fibr es, pollute the wat er and ar e harmful t o the envir onment. Exploita tive Pr actices Although it c an seem deligh tful t o find a new item of cloth ing a t barg a in price, i t i s worth r emembering that if i t can b e sold cheaply, then somewhere along the line someone has had t o pr oduce i t cheaply too (probably b y being underpaid for long hour s). E v en e xpensiv e it ems ma y ha v e hug e pr ofit mark -ups , and underlying pr actices may b e dub ious or e xploit ativ e. There is such a thing as “Green W ashing” wher e companies mak e claims about their c ommitment t o en vir onmen t ally and work er friendly pr actices but, in r eality , f armer s, manuf acturer s, tr ansport ers and even sales work er s ar e e xploited s o that w e can enjoy low-cos t clothing. Overproduction & W as te Clothing Some companies intentionally or der and pr oduce many mor e g armen ts , f or a particular s tyle or r ange, than they can ever reasonably expect t o sell. A lot of these unsold ite ms, with tags intact and unw orn, find their w a y in t o was t e and landfill. Some ar e tr ansported ar ound the world an d d ump ed c ausing massive en vironmen t al harm.
Man y o f u s ar e commit ted t o sorting our w as t e and c ar efully r ecy cling as w e ar e able . Indeed the P as tor at e Caring f or Cr ea tion Gr oup ar e continuing t o pr a y and seek new opportunitie s and services t o enable folk t o re cyc le things such as bubble packs from medic ation. Man y also giv e un w an ted clot hing t o cha rity shops and other or g anisations. Howev er , a gr eat deal o f sec ond -hand clothing i s shipped abroad where only a small per cen t ag e i s sold and w orn an d, lik e the overproduced clothing mentioned abov e, it ends u p i n landfill o r disc arded i n the sea, causing massive en vir onmental harm. The f ollowing images and in f ormation come f or (Austr alian Broadcas ting Corpor ation) :
These i mages show a huge escarpment on the banks of Korle Lagoon, in the Ghana ian capital of Accra, i t towers of the water’s edge; and c at tle may be f ound grazing on its summit. I t is not formed of earth o r stone but
of landfill with an estimate 60% fro m un wan ted clothing. These garments were shipped t o Ghana f or resale and reuse, ma ny sourced from cloth ing bins and charity col lection s. But a hug e proportion were never worn again t he quantity being sent i s overwhelming a nd greatly outs trips an y need. Som e 15 milli on garments arrive here f orm the UK, Europe, North America and Aus tralia each week. An es timated 40% are o f such poor quality they are worthle ss and en d up dumped in landfill. The gro wing number of poor -quality clothes arriving at K an t aman t o Mark e t is a major driver of Ghana’ s waste crisis. Another i s the sheer volu me of cloth ing being manufactured arou nd the world. We’re buying 60% more clothes now than w e did 15 years ago, but we’ re only k eeping them half as long. A major survey in the U K six year s ago found that one i n three young women considered garments old” if they had been worn just twice. An es timated 85% of all te xtiles, world -wide, go t o the dump every year , ac c ording t o the World Economic Forum, enough t o fill Sydney Harbour annually . That’ s the equivalent of one garbage truck of textiles being burned o r going int o landfill ever sec ond! Y ou can find ou t mor e about this massive pr oblem here: h  t  tps://www 12/f  ast-f  ashion-turning-parts-ghana-into- toxic-landfill/100358702
What c an we do There are things we can do to help: Opt f or clothing made fr om na tur al fibr es such as or g anic c ott on, bamboo , wool, hemp an d linen. These are biodegr able and hav e a lower en vir onment al impact than a s yn thetic alternativ e. Ther e ar e a number o f clothing companies tha t off er sust ainable and ethical clothing choices. Y ou could find out mor e here: https://www  .ethicalconsumer  .or  g/ This website also offers information about suppliers and manuf acturer s o f other items such as health and beauty , technology and energy pr ovider s. Mak e in f ormed choices when buying y our clothes check the f ab ric c omposition. Whilst pric e, s tyle and c on v enience ar e c onsider ations w e c annot ignor e, our c all to s t ew ardship of cr ea tion is import an t as we choose what to buy . T ry sust ainable alt ernatives clothing made from r e cyc led plastics ( e.g . a r aincoat made fr om plastic bot tles). Whilst these things ar e s till made fr om s yn thetic mat erials, they c an pr ev en t plastic ent ering the world o f w as t e. Buy second -hand w e kno w sec ond ha nd clot hes and hand- m e-downs ar e popular amongs t par ents and c ar er s, and man y f olk i n ou r churches speak of handing o n or swapping it ems f or other s t o use. Ther e ar e man y
pr e-lov ed charity shops and online sites such as “Vinted” that mak e good value used but high- quality items available. You can also sell items via such onli ne sites . W ashing clothing less frequently an d a t lower t emper a tur es really help s , bec ause i t reduces the num ber of micro-fibres that are shed. Using a lower temperature also helps r educe shedding as well as sa ving ener gy used in hea ting wat er . Ther e ar e also fibr e catching bags a v ailable, which c an eff ectiv ely filt er fibr es and pr ev ent them en tering w ast e wat er . https://
Legislation under c onsider a tion i n the U K would require manufacturer s t o fit micr o- plastic catching filters t o all ne w domesti c and c ommercial washing machines. Y ou could write t o your M P, encouraging them t o support a nd pursue this a nd othe r importan t environmen t al pr ojects. Th e id ea of a “Shw op” i s gr o win g i n popularity and some loc al org anisation s hold ev en ts wher e clothes i n g ood c ondition (some har dly w orn o r new) ar e made a vailable a t very reasonable prices. It’ s a gr eat w a y t o reduce our neg ative
en vir onmen t al impact and sa ve money . Ma ybe this i s something our churches could consider or g anising fr om time to time. Don ’t f or g et th er e ar e some it ems of clothing a vailable a t the Cas tle Hill Indoor Sales hel d each mont h. When giving clothing t o cha rity shops o r other collector s, it’ s worth asking what will happen i f the items r emain unsold o r not i n a su itab le c ondition f or r esale. Some collect or s sort clothing r eceived o r collect unusable items sepa rat ely t o mak e them a v ailable f or r ecy cling in t o useful f abrics or pr odu cts such a s wadding f or furnitur e, k eeping them out o f the w as t e s y s t em. The Salv ation Arm y collection bins often include a place for clothes f or re cyc ling as w ell as f or r e -use, and man y loc al authority waste and recycling centres also off er this option. W e c ould buy f ew er clothes, k eep them f or longe r and repair them if neede d. Clothing can also b e alt er ed, acce ssori sed and adapt ed. Ther e ar e sev er al f olk i n ou r churches who are skilled a t such thing s. This i s one wa y w e can lead by example to y ounger g ener a tions and I know tha t many folk are already doing this. Perhaps y ou c an off er alter ation, r epair o r similar skills t o help others? I f s o , d o le t u s know . I f w e pay a bit more and buy better quality items they will last longer. These can form part of a smaller bu t mor e fle xible w ar dr obe and i t will push br ands t o impr ov e quality .
I f y ou w an t t o know whether or not a particular shop or compan y f ollows and main t ains high ethic al s t andards i n all aspe cts of clothing production an d mark eting ther e ar e some useful websit es. Good O n Y ou” has a sear ch option which allows y ou t o e xplor e the r atings of diff er en t c ompanies ag ains t a series of specific ethical criteria. Y ou c an access this her e: ht  tps://dir  ectory  .goodon There ma y b e some surprises including a significan t number of our very popular high s tr eet br ands which ar e r at ed “Not good enough” . I f you find this i s true o f y our f a vourite br ands perhaps y ou could writ e and ask them t o mak e improv ements. W e c an challenge such things and mak e a diff erence. Y ou may well b e fully eng aged with these ideas already o r perhaps you might add some (if not a ll) when ma king your own clothing choices. You may have some additional ideas about how w e c an eng age with “W ear and Car e” and w e w ould b e glad t o hear about them s o w e can share them mor e widely . Whatever w e d o , let’ s c ommit t o d o something and mak e a diff erence as w e seek t o honour God and God’ s creation as good s t e w ar ds. A quick r eminder tha t Briti sh Summe r Tim e ends and the clock s g o back one hour a t 02:0 0 on S unda y 27 th Oct ober . I t is alw a ys good t o ha ve a r eminder and hopefully w e w on’t turn u p a n hour early f or chur ch .