
nditions for Use of

Church Premise







can be used for:

Pu r poses w h ich the E lders and Church M eetin g consider suitabl e , and w h ich w h ich comply wit h Local Authority plannin g conditions.



t you



nnot do






Smoke. Offer alc oh ol as a prize where p eople under th e a ge o f 18 are purchasing dr aw tic ke ts. (The use o f a lc oh ol as a prize is discoura ged wherever possibl e). Bloc k any exi ts fr o m the buildin g. Carry out activities that cause any nu i sance or inconvenience to nei g hbours.



t the Church does

not do:

A ccept any responsibility fo r injury, lo ss or dam- ag e however ca used to persons or p ro perty in or on the premises including car park . (S ee notes on P ublic Liability Insurance in the information adjacent. )


Users of

the premise

s are re



the Church for:

Any damage, loss or breaka ge caused during or as a result of their use of the building . Ensuring all fire do ors are unlock ed at all time  during use and that NO fire e x it s are o bstructed in any w ay. Ensuring: they have adequate F irst A id cover for the activity taking place; that a Fire and Safety Risk Assessment has bee n complete d; and  that an ef fe ctive evac uation plan has bee n establishe d . Ensuring responsible use of a basic First Ai d Box available in the Ground Fl oo r Ki tchen in th e e ye-lev el cu pboa rd to the rig ht of the exterior d oo r. (The cu pboa rd is mar ked with a standa rd Firs t Ai d `+' on a green ba c kgroun d.) Together wit h t h e First Ai d kit is an Ac cident Report book. Rec o rding an ac cident in the Ac cident Book. C omplying with all La ws and R egulations applying to: Safet y,Fo od Safe ty/Hygi ene , Dis ability, Equality, and E ntertainment, as re levant. Pe ople and g roups working with ch ildren or vulnerable adul t s are required to ag re e to
upho ld the princ iples of the revised Safeguar ding Vulnerable G ro ups A ct (2006) . A additional form of undertak ing is required to be completed and signed in th is event.




Use it is ess


ial t


R eplace any furnit ure or equipment m oved in conne ction the activity to the position in wh ich it was fo und and all ro oms and leave all furniture clean and tidy. Clear and leave the o ut side p lay areas clean and tidy. Clear the foy er and lift of major items of equipment.


r Information

Note that all items in s ection 4 are lega l requiremen ts on you and your group o r o rgani sation. T here is a total of six spaces fo r cars i n the adjacent car park allocated for church use. T hey may not be available. Each g roup or meeting using St Jo hn’s premises will ensure that he/she/they h av e adequate P ublic Liability Insurance to cover the nature and duration of the e ve nt or activity as St Jo hn’s accept s no liability fo r any loss, damag e of injury to pe rsons or property wh ilst they or it are in any part of t he Church premises. If you are in vo lving the p ublic in an event or using equipment b rough t into the premises you would be fo o lish not to do so. You may consider it less essential if it is a small meeting or disc ussion g ro up, b ut St Jo hn’s still do not accept any respo nsib ility. As an e xample: if you are having a party for young ch ildren, it would be still be wise to tak e out insurance , espe c ially if equipment or an entertainer is prese nt unless these come covered by the equipment suppli er’s or entertainer’s insurance. A Church R epresentative is f requently on d ut y weekday m orning s during scho o l term time , e xcept Wednesdays and also on evening s when t he premises are in use. Out side these times the users will be responsible for unlocking the premises and maintaining se c urity during the ir activity, and also for ensuring all do o rs and windo ws on b oth flo ors are closed and lo ck ed and that all ligh t s are out when they leave. Co s ts for use of the premises are rev i ew e d a n nualland can be obtained fr o m the Bookin gs Secretary . C onditions Ag re ed to by: Date:
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