Selecting things

Select items on the page by clicking on them. Try it on this blue arrow.... Selected Items show control points that you can drag to manipulate. Once this arrow is selected you can drag these points.


Drag anywhere on the background, or use your mouse scroll-wheel, or trackpad scroll gesture. It even supports momentum scrolling - you can ‘throw’ the page to rapidly scroll.


Xara offers amazing zoom. Hold the Ctrl (or Shift) key and then use your scroll wheel (or trackpad). You can scroll all the way to 25,000%. Use Ctrl+0 to reset to 100% zoom.

Editing text

Simply click this text, or one of the head- ings and edit. The right side panel shows the usual edit controls.

Text Styles

Use the Style List in the right Properties Panel to change the style of the text.


Xara documents use Theme Colors that you can change. Tap one of the gray graphics, click the color patch in the right panel, move over the gray patch and select the ‘Change’ option to change the orange highlight color. To create a new color, select the + patch from the color palette.

Smart Graphics

There’s a range of smart graphics such as the arrow, and this pie chart. You can insert alternate graphics by pressing the  insert icon, top right. To adjust the chart value just click on it and drag the controls. Try clicking on the % value above and change the value.



Getting Started

Drag to adjust the arrow size & thickness
Drag the center handle to adjust the curve of the arrow
Drag to move the ends
This is both a beginner’s guide and a document you can experiment on. It contains simple instructions for ‘how to drive’ Xara Online Designer.
This is a repeating footer.



Getting Started

This is a repeating footer.


Select the  menu to add an image. Or just drag a photo from your file system onto the page. With a selected photo you can change the size of the image, or the size and rotation of the photo in its frame.

Inline images

To place an image inline with your text, just copy (Ctrl+C), place the text cursor, and paste (Ctrl+V). To adjust the size, select it, and res- ize. To adjust the text wrap, use the 'Repel / wrap' option in the slide-in properties panel, right side. To replace an image, select the Replace menu option. Try it on this photo:

New Documents

Select the Documents > Open menu, top left. We have a (currently somewhat lim- ited) range of beautifully designed templates to choose from. The open menu lets you pick files saved to any cloud drive, or create a new document from a template or from your recent documents.

Adding pages

Some documents, such a letters and this document, will automatically add pages as text overflows. For others such as Presentations, you can select the  sign below the page thumbnails, lower left.


Use the Documents menu, top left, to save the file to your cloud drive for safe keeping and future editing.

Download & Print a PDF

Go to the Documents menu and, choose the Download option. Try it.


The easiest way to share your document is to select the share icon  top right. This will give you a read-only link you can share with any- one, or everyone. If you want to allow others to edit this document select the ‘Share Editing’ option and enter their email address. They’ll get an invite to share and then you can both edit the document at the same time! This software is rapidly evolving.  Be sure to check-out the Latest Updates (also under the Settings  menu) For more detailed help see the user-guide. Enjoy - the Xara Team. PS - tell us what you like, or don't like here.